chapter 26: meeting team RWBY

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My Pov

I observed the subtle signs of awakening from Ruby, Weiss, and Blake, a glimmer of relief crossing my face.

Me:It seems your friends are slowly waking up

I remarked to Yang, my tone carrying a note of reassurance.

Yang's eyes brightened with hope as she turned her attention to her recovering friends.

Yang:That's a relief. They've been through a lot

she admitted, a mixture of gratitude and concern in her voice.

As the room filled with a palpable sense of anticipation, I suggested,

Me:Give them some time. The healing process can be disorienting, but they should regain full consciousness soon.

Yang nodded, a silent agreement passing between us as we continued to keep a watchful eye on Ruby, Weiss, and Blake.

While waiting, the conversation naturally drifted towards lighter topics, offering a temporary respite from the intensity of recent events. We reminisced about shared experiences, exchanged anecdotes, and even found moments of laughter amid the shadows that lingered in the room.

As the atmosphere eased, Yang shared stories about her team's adventures, providing a glimpse into the camaraderie forged through battles and challenges. I, in turn, spoke of my own encounters in the underworld, offering insights into the dynamics of devil society and the complexities that came with being an Aether Devil.

Our dialogue meandered through

Time passed, and gradually, Ruby, Weiss, and Blake stirred. The room filled with a mixture of relief and joy as they regained awareness.

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake, groggily awakening, glanced around with guarded expressions upon seeing me. I met their scrutiny with a bright smile. "Yo," I greeted casually, attempting to diffuse the tension in the room.

Ruby, her silver eyes narrowing slightly, spoke up first,

Ruby:What's going on? Where are we?

Her voice carried a mix of confusion and caution, mirroring the sentiments of her teammates.

Weiss:We were in the middle of a mission, and then everything went sideways

Weiss added, her ice-blue eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.

Blake, ever observant, kept a watchful gaze on me.

Blake:Who are you, and why are we here?

she inquired, her voice holding a note of suspicion.

I leaned back, maintaining a friendly demeanor.

Me:No need to worry. I'm Rex Dorian, and we're currently in a hotel in London. Long story short, there was a bit of misunderstanding, but we're all on the same side now

I explained, attempting to provide a concise overview without delving into too much detail.

Ruby, Weiss, and Blake exchanged cautious glances before Ruby spoke up again,


Her brows furrowed as she tried to make sense of the situation.

I nodded, elaborating,

Me:Yeah, your teammate Yang and I had a bit of a clash, but it's all sorted now. We're working together to figure things out.

Weiss crossed her arms, her skepticism evident.

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