chapter 21: after math

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Makima appeared before me, her form covered in the blood of Lux's peerage. A glance at her grim visage prompted me to inquire about the unfolding events.

Me: What happened here?

Makima, with a pointed expression, gestured towards the mutated remnants of Lux's peerage scattered across the cosmic arena.

Makima: They mutated into monsters. I had to deal with them.

Her response carried the weight of the somber reality that had transpired in the aftermath of Lux's demise. The once formidable members of his peerage, now twisted into grotesque entities, had met a gruesome end at Makima's hands.

Me: Why were they mutated?

Makima's gaze bore into mine as she questioned my approach to the battle, her strict demeanor coming to the forefront.

Makima: Why were you holding back, Rex?

The inquiry struck a chord, and Makima's stern expression left little room for evasion. The Quicksilver Stiletto, still in hand, glowed faintly as the remnants of the cosmic battle lingered in the air.

Me: I...

The hesitation in my response lingered as I grappled with the complexity of the situation. Makima's strict form demanded an honest reckoning with the choices made during the battle with Lux.

Makima: This was no time for reservations. Lux was a threat, and holding back only allowed for unnecessary suffering.

Her words cut through the lingering echoes of the cosmic battleground, urging me to confront the consequences of a battle where restraint may have come at a cost.

Me: I wanted to...

Makima's unyielding gaze prompted me to delve deeper into the reasons behind my actions, forcing an introspective moment amid the aftermath of the cosmic clash.

Makima: The enemy won't show mercy. We shouldn't either. Our strength comes with responsibility.

Her stern reminder resonated with the weight of experience, emphasizing the harsh realities of the demonic conflicts that defined our existence.

Me: I understand.

The acknowledgment carried a sense of resolve as I met Makima's gaze, the Quicksilver Stiletto's glow reflecting the gravity of the dialogue that unfolded amidst the remnants of Lux's peerage and the aftermath of a battle that had pushed the boundaries of restraint.

The holographic projection of Seekveira stood before me, a testament to the resilience and determination that characterized her leadership. I leaned forward, my expression a blend of concern and curiosity.

Me:Seekveira, I need a detailed report. How did the mission unfold?

My question hung in the air, awaiting the recount of the challenges faced by her team in the dark recesses of Lux's hideout.

Seekveira's holographic form flickered slightly, as if echoing the strain of the recent mission

Seekveira:rex, it was a labyrinth of horrors. As we breached the labs, we were confronted not only by Lux's peerage remnants but also by an array of mutated creatures. It was clear that Lux's insidious experiments extended far beyond what we initially anticipated.

I nodded, absorbing the gravity of her words.

Me:Mutated creatures? Can you elaborate on what you encountered?

Seekveira's holographic gaze held a mix of weariness and determination.

Seekveira:There were grotesque amalgamations of demonic and unnatural elements. Some resembled demonic beasts, while others seemed like twisted experiments gone awry. It was a chaotic menagerie of horrors.

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