~Chapter 17~

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I walked into school the next morning, my vision blurred from the lack of sleep. After all the commotion the night before, I wasn't able to get back to sleep.

I opened my locker, just to have it slammed shut once again. Looking up, I saw Kolby's concered face. " What's wrong?" He asked.

" Nothing," I replied, opening my locker again.

" You're not yourself. Something's wrong."

" Nothing's wrong," I repeated.

I grabbed my binder, and locked my locker. Kolby grabbed my arm, pulled me to the end of the hallway, and out the side doors of the school. He turned around so his back was against the doors, and I faced him. " We're going to be late," I muttered, " Move."

Kolby crossed his arms over his chest. " No. Not until you tell me what's wrong."

" You'll overreact-"

" No, I won't! Kaylie, tell me now or I'll make you say it," Kolby said, taking a step toward me.

I glanced around, then let my eyes meet Kolby's. " Ok. Last night Mark, Cole, Kaydon, and Ashley came to my house. Diesel woke me up, so I got Jake up too. We madr them leave, but Diesel bit Mark pretty hard. I didn't sleep last night afterwards."

Kolby stayed silent for what felt like hours, and I cautiously took a step forward. " Jake thinks I should go back to my parents house until this whole thing is settled," I finished.

" You're not going anywhere," Kolby murmured, " Except my house."

" What?"

" You're going to live with me until this is over. My house is much more secure than Jake's. Tomorrow, you're moving in with me."

" So can I take Shadow and Diesel?" I asked, hopeful.

" Of course," Kolby replied, smiling.

I let out a happy squeal, and launched myself into Kolby's arms. He kissed the top of my head, and I gasped as I pulled away. " We need to go to class!"

Kolby's eyes widened, and we both made our way to first period class.


I sat down at a free table in Tim Hortons, and took a sip of my coffee. Kolby sat down beside me, Jillisa and Jinx on the other side of the table, Lucia, and Nick across from us.

Thoughts about Mark, Cole, Kaydon, and Ashley were spinning through my head. How would they have been able to come to my house in the middle of the night? Will we ever get rid of them?

" Kaylie?" Kolby asked loudly, holding a hand in front of my face.

" Oh sorry, what?" I asked, trying to concentrate.

Nick leaned forward, and smirked. " I heard Ashley, Cole, and Mark are going to jail."

Kolby looked as if he was going to bounce off the seat from excitement at any moment, and Lucia smiled evilly. " His father's a cop," She clarified.

I sighed. " That's actually such a relief."

" It's not final, though. My dad said that's the proper protocol for anyone who steals someone's property," Nick finished.

" And what about Kaydon?" Kolby asked.

Nick shrugged. " My dad said he may get a fine, that's all. He didn't have much to do with it. He just got pulled into the whole situation by Mark."

" How much is the jail time?" Jinx asked.

" Up to 2 years."

Everyone took in a sharp breath, and Jillisa's eyes went wide. " Damn," She whispered, " That's a long time."

" Ashley totally deserves it," Lucia said, " All the shit she put you guys through was unacceptable. I just can't believe we used to be friends."

Everyone continued asking Nick questions, and I completely zone out. Will they come back out of prison and seek revenge on everyone? I felt some sympathy for Mark and Cole. Ashley dragged them into this mess.

" When are the cops taking them in?" Jinx asked.

" My dad said as early as tomorrow," Nick replied.

Kolby wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and I leaned into him. " What's up with you?" Lucia asked, " You look dead."

" That's very nice," I teased, " I didn't sleep great last night."

" Oh!" Jillisa spoke up, giving me a smirk, " Were you and the boy up all night."

I glared at my best friend, and she winked at me. " No," I said, trying not to laugh, " Mark, Cole, Kaydon, and Ashley came to my house in the middle of the night."

The table went quiet, waiting patiently for me to tell what happened. I looked around at the hopeful faces, and sighed. " Want me to say what happened?"

" Yes!" Everyone replied in unison.

I told them everything that happened, and nobody spoke a word. They all just stared intently at me.

Once I finished, Lucia held up her hand. " Wait a second. You have a dog?" She asked.

I let out a laugh, and showed her a picture of Diesel and Shadow on my phone. " I got him just this summer."

" He's freaking adorable. He's trained to bite people?" Lucia asked, curiosity in her eyes.

" Yes, and he lets go on command," O replied.

" We should get going, guys," Kolby spoke up, " We don't want to be late for next period."

Everyone agreed, and the six of us made our way back to school.

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