~Chapter 18~

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I finished packing all my cloths into several bags, and Jake stood at the doorway of what used to be my bedroom. " Want me to load your bike now?" He asked.

" Yeah," I replied, placing my phone charger into my purse.

Jake left without another word, and I continued picking up clothes that were thrown onto the floor. It was Friday right after school, and Kolby wanted me moved into his house by the time the sun went down. I hadn't told Kolby about the party Saturday night at Lucia's, but I figured he would be ok with going anyways.

Picking up the last few bags, I did a slow glance around the room, mentally checking the most needed items in my head. I finally shut the door, and made my way into the living room. Jake was at the door, and looked up from his phone when he noticed me. " I can take those," He said, " You go and get Diesel and Shadow and put them in the truck."

" Ok," I said, handing him my bags.

I looked around wildly, seeking out balls of black and white fur. I smirked when I spotted Shadow's tail dropping off the kitchen chair at the table. Slowly, I crept into the kitchen, getting closer and closer to Shadow. I reached out, and pulled Shadow off the chair. " I got you," I said in a teasing tone, " Now, where's the dog?"

I grabbed Diesel's leash from the hook by the front door, and walked around the living room. I heard a bark from behind me, and tightened my grip as Shadow wriggled in my arms. Turning around, I saw Diesel facing me, his tail wagging. " Don't run!" I pleaded, taking a step towards him.

Diesel snorted, and I narrowed my eyes. Is this a dog or a miniature pony? I asked myself. I bent down, and attached the leash onto the hoop on Diesel's collar. Jake opened the door, and looked me up and down before he burst out laughing. " What?" I asked, annoyance filling my voice.

" You look like an old cat lady!" Jake replied between laughs, " Can I take a picture?"

" Can I shove my hand down your throat?" I mocked in Jake's tone.

Jake's eyes widened in shock, and he shook his head vigorously. I gave him a smirk, and walked passed him to go outside. I led Diesel to Jake's truck, and opened the door with my free hand. " Get in," I ordered, pointing to Diesel.

Diesel jumped inside, and I placed Shadow on the backseat beside him. I shut the door, and turned around to make sure I didn't leave any bags outside. I walked towards the passenger side door, and sat down on the seat. Diesel whimpered in the backseat as I fastened the seat belt securely around me. Jake hit the side of the truck, causing me to jump. I glared at him as he slid in beside me, and turned the truck on. " Why did you do that?" I asked.

" Habit of mine," Jake replied, turning out of the driveway, " I'm still not sure this is a good idea."

" Why not?" I asked, " Kolby has better security in his home than the Prime Minister!"

That could be true. Kolby told me he had at least 4 security cameras on each side of the house, and another above the front door, kitchen door, and balcony door. They are recording any movements 24/7.

" True, but I can't protect you and I feel like I should..."

I leaned my head back on the seat, and sighed in defeat. If everything could go back to the way it was, my life would be a lot easier. Instead, it felt like a living hell. " Kolby will protect me," I replied, " and you know that."

Jake was silent for a while, and I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye. " I know," He murmured quietly.

I stared out the window, and watched the trees blur passed us.


" Hey," Kolby said, opening the front door of the house.

" Hey," I replied, looking back at Jake, " Where do you want my bike?"

Kolby bit his bottom lip, and stepped outside, closing the door behind him. " It can go in the garage," He replied, walking down the steps and towards the truck.

I followed quickly behind him, and stopped at the tailgate of the truck. Jake turned around, and handed me the bike ramp. I placed it on the tailgate, and watched as Jake pushed it down slowly. Reaching out to grab the handlebars, Kolby pushed my hand away. " I got it," He said with a smile, " You go and unpack. My mom already has the guest room ready for you. I tried to tell her you could stay with me, but she said you would need your space some days."

" Alright," I replied with a laugh.

I grabbed a few of my bags as Jake and Kolby took my bike into the garage attached to the house. Opening the back door of the truck, Diesel jumped out in a rush as I reached over to pick up Shadow. I shut the door, and turned around to see Diesel sitting behind me with his tail wagging violently. " Fool," I said quietly.

I started making my way to the house, and as I reached out to grab the doorknob, the door flew open. Kolby's mom screamed with joy once she saw Diesel and Shadow. " They're cuter than I thought!" She exclaimed.

" And crazy," I finished as Diesel jumped up on Kolby's mom.

She bent down to pet his back, and she let out a laugh as he licked her cheek. " The dog's Diesel and the cat's Shadow right?"

" Yes," I replied, " I better get them settled down in my room. It will take them a few days to adjust to the changes."

" For sure," Kolby's mom replied, " You need to get settled too."

I gave her a small smile, and made my way to the large staircase with Diesel behind me.

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