~Chapter 4~

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I crossed the living room in two jumps as I rushed to the door. Opening it, my eyes grew wide when I saw a police officer on the step in front of me. " Are you Kaylie Skye?" He asked.

" Yes. What's going on?" I asked, tapping my fingers on the doorframe nervously.

" Is Jake Skye there?"

As soon as he said that, my heart started to beat faster. " Y-yes," I stuttered, " Jake?"

Jake jumped up from the couch, and ran to my side. " What's going on?" He asked.

The officer smiled lightly. " I just came here to ask a few questions. The anwers will definitely help us with the search for your bike."

" Ok?" I replied unsurely.

" Who are some people who strongly dislike you?" The officer asked, pulling a notebook out of his pocket.

" Um, Ashley Greene hates me the most... Cole McCourt and Mark Rodriquez could potentially hate me. That's about it."

Jake tapped my shoulder, and I turned around to face him. " Alex?" He asked.

" No, me and him are cool. Those are the only people I can think of right now," I murmured, facing the officer once again.

" That's a big help to us. Thank you. Anything else?"

I thought back to as far as I could remember, and one thing came to my mind: the trip. " When me, Jake, and Kolby went on the trip to California, Ashley found us. She claimed to be there on a family trip, and I even saw her when I was signing autographs after the race."

The officer's eyes widened slightly, and he bit his lip. " So she followed you?"

I shrugged. " I'm not sure. Her brother and mother were there too."

" Ok," The officer murmured, putting his notebook back in his pocket, " I will have an officer go to Ashley's house and question her. Mark and Cole can wait until we get statements from Ashley and her mother. Once again, thank you and have a great day!"

I smiled, and just as the officer went to leave, Kolby ran up the stairs. " Everything ok?" He asked, out of breath.

" Yeah, he just wanted some more questions answered," I replied.

Kolby sighed, and pulled me to his side. The officer jumped into his car, and left without another word. Jake turned to me, and he pulled his truck keys out of his pocket. " I got to go and get some more food for Diesel and Shadow. Be back in an hour?"

" Ok," I replied.

I led Kolby inside, and shut the door behind us. Sitting down on the couch, I let out a sigh as Kolby joined me. " What's wrong?" He asked.

" Didn't you find it weird how when I mentioned the cops at the party last night and Cole and Mark looked at each other then at Ashley?" I asked, looking into his eyes, " Do you think they had something to do with this?"

Kolby's eyes flashed with consideration, and he nodded slowly. " Maybe. We can't be certain though."

" Has Alex mentioned anything about them?"

" Yeah, he said that Mark didn't want him going near his house. He said he was getting it renovated while his parents were away to surprise them on their anniversary."

I grabbed Kolby's arm in surprise, maybe a little too hard since he flinched, and my eyes grew wide. " Mark doesn't work though! How would he get the money? His parents would leave him so much before taking the rest for the trip. Kolby, what if he has my bike?"

Kolby narrowed his eyes, and smirked. " Only one way to find out."

" How?"

I knew exactly where this was going. He wanted to go and break into Mark's place to look around. One thing for sure was I wasn't going to let him do it by himself.

" I'm going to go look around his house tonight. He said last night that he was going to go to the bar with Cole, so I should be ok."

I shook my head. " No. You're not going by yourself."

" Kaylie-"

" No! It's my bike, and what if you get caught? I will stay in the car if you want."

Kolby glared at me, and I widened my eyes and smiled. He will give in sometime, I said to myself. Kolby sighed, closing his eyes. He opened them again, and they were filled with determination. " Be ready at midnight."


The cold air hit my face as I checked my phone once again. 11:56pm. He better not have bailed, I said to myself. I was dressed in a pair of black leggings, black Vans, and a black hoodie.

Lights appeared down the road, and I stood up as the car came to a stop in front of the driveway. I ran to the car, and jumped in the passenger seat. " Good?" Kolby asked.

" Yes. Lets get going."

We drove for about 15 minutes before Kolby pulled over onto the side of the road facing a two-story house. Kolby shut the car off, and looked over at me with wide eyes. " Please stay here."

" What if I see someone coming?"

" Then come get me. Don't do anything stupid and be careful!"

I nodded slowly, and Kolby kissed my cheek before opening the car door. I watche as he ran across the road toward the house. Like hell I'll stay here. I waited a few seconds before opening my door. Shutting it carefully, I took a deep breath, and ran across the street. I ran into the driveway, and over to the garage door. Opening it, I heard something drop on the cement and Kolby cursing to himself. " Are you ok?" I asked, my voice a whisper.

" What? Kaylie?" Kolby whispered back.

I peered into the darkness, and heard a car engine approaching us from the road. Kolby went completely still, and my body started to shake as I heard the car slow down. I closed the garage door, and Kolby pulled me behind a shelf. Settling down closely to Kolby, I steady my breathing as the garage door opened. " You putting the car in here tonight?" Cole asked, his voice echoing.

" What's the point?" Mark replied.

The lights turned on, and I flinched from the sudden brightness. " Man, something's up," Cole murmured.

I covered my mouth before a squeak could come out. Kolby rested his hand on my leg reassuringly, and my body started to relax again. Mark let out a drunken laugh. " Like what?"

" Isn't that Kolby's car across the road?"

Everything went silent. My heart started to beat faster with every second. " I highly doubt it, Cole. He's probably out with the hot girl."

He didn't just go there, I said to myself as I looked over at Kolby. He looked as if he was about to punch someone. I felt a laugh rising in my throat as he glared at me, his green eyes burning. Cole sighed tiredly. " Can I crash on your couch tonight? Dad doesn't want me drinking anymore so he wouldn't be impressed with me if I went home loaded."

" Sure buddy, come on," Mark replied.

They went back outside, and shut the lights off on the way. The garage door slammed shut, and I jumped up. Kolby grabbed my hand, and rushed me to the door. He opened it, and slowly shut it behind us as we walked outside. We ran to his car, and just as we were about to open the doors, we heard the house door slam. " Who are you?" Mark yelled, " Where did you come from and why are you here?"

" Go home," Kolby yelled back in a different tone than usual, " You're drunk."

I jumped in the car, and burst out laughing. Kolby turned the ignition on, and drove away from Mark's house. He sped down the road, and I gripped the seat. " Are you ok?" I asked.

" He's lucky I didn't beat him once he said you were hot. Nobody calls you hot except me," He muttered, " Can I crash at your place tonight?"

I nodded, and we drove in sience until Kolby finally turned into the driveway of Jake's house.

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