~Chapter 9~

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I stepped out of Kolby's bright yellow Camaro, and I spotted Mark, Cole, and Kaydon talking by the main doors. " Kolby?" I asked uncertainly.

Kolby rushed to my side, and grabbed my hand. " You ok?" He asked, concern filling his green eyes.

" I'm fine, but look at the doors."

Kolby glanced to the right, and shook his head. " I figured they would be friends," He murmured.

Kolby started to pull me toward the doors, and I pulled backwards. " I can't go over there," I whispered.

" Kaylie, we're going to be late for conservation. Just don't look at them."

I reluctantly agreed, and allowed Kolby to lead me to the main doors of the school. As soon as we were 5 feet away from Mark, Cole, and Kaydon, they all turned to glare at us. Mark and Cole avoided eye contact with me, but Kaydon's eyes burned with hatred at Kolby.

Once we were inside, I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding. " You're good," Kolby laughed, rubbing my back.

" Did you see the way Mark and Cole avoided eye contact with me?" I asked, walking to my locker.

" Yeah. Kaydon looked pissed," Kolby replied, opening his locker which was beside mine.

I grabbed my binder for my first two classes, and locked my locker. I turned around, and saw Kaydon walking toward us. " Kolby turn around," I muttered quickly.

Kolby turned around, then faced me. " Shit," He whispered, locking his locker.

Kolby grabbed my arm, and led me down the hallway. " Don't force her to go with you if she wants to be with me!" Kaydon yelled.

" Shut up, Kaydon!" Kolby yelled back, leading me into the classroom.

We took our seats in the back of the classroom, and breathed a sigh of relief when we made it just in time for class to start.


I walked out of my second period class, and someone grabbed my arm. " Kaylie!" Lucia said quickly, " I need to tell you something. I should've said it in math, but I was scared someone would hear it."

Turning around, I faced a fearful Lucia. " What's up?" I asked.

" I-I heard somethimg in my first period class from the Kaydon guy... He said Mark is giving him his extra dirt bike he has. He said it won the Motocross world finals. But, last I heard, he doesn't have another bike."

I froze, and my heart started to speed up. " Do you know what kind of bike it is?" I asked.

Lucia shook her head. " No, he didn't say. I got to go, I just thought you would like to know this."

I gave her a small smile. " Yeah, that helps a lot."

I turned around, and walked down the hallway to my locker. I spotted Kolby at his, and I bolted over to him. " I just heard something," I said breathlessly.

" What?" Kolby asked.

I told Kolby what Lucia had just told me, and at the sound of Kaydon's name, his eyes turned furious. " Do you think it's yours?" He asked.

" I don't know. We should ask Alex if Mark has another bike. Then, we will know for sure."

" What about me?" A deep voice from behind me asked.

I turned around, and Alex gave me a questioning look. " Does Mark have two bikes?" I asked.

Alex shook his head, and raised his eyebrows. " No. Why?"

Kolby stepped forward. " We think he has her bike and is giving it to Kaydon."

Alex sighed. " I figured it was him. But, he doesn't have anything against you two. If he did take it, Cole is in on it too."


I collapsed on the bench after running the five minute warm up around the gym. Jillisa sat down beside me, breathing heavily, and I tried to decide if I should tell her about everything. " I'm dying," She said between gasps of air.

" It was a five minute run. Wait until you run the 12 minute one," I giggled.

" How are you so fit?" Jillisa asked, looking up at me.

I shrugged. " I need to be fit to drive dirt bikes so great."

" Really?"

" You should've saw me weeks before the big race. Jake had me out running every morning and going to the gym."

Mrs. McLeod walked up to me, and tilted her head. " How much can you lift?"

" By the end of training, I could lift 50 pounds. Before, I couldn't even lift 5," I replied.

" Impressive," Mrs. McLeod responded, then turned to the rest of the class, " Today, we're playing ultimate Frisbee. Make yourselves into two teams."


I stood out in the parking lot, waiting for Kolby to come. All the gym class got out early today, so I was the only one in the parking lot.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and before I could turn around, my wrists got tied together with rope. I swung my leg backwards, and smiled in triumph as the person fell to the ground. " You shouldn't have done that," I heard a deep voice say.

" What the hell is going on?" I asked.

A piece of cloth goes over my mouth and nose before I could scream, and all I saw was black as I fell to the ground.

The Life Of A Motocross Girl 2: GoneWhere stories live. Discover now