~Chapter 16~

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I woke up to the sound of Diesel barking by my closed bedroom door. Shadow's eyes shone in the moonlight, and his ears were flat against his head. " What time is it," I mumbled, grabbing my phone.

The screen lit up, and showed 2:15am. The last time I woke up like this in the middle of the night was when my bike was stolen, I said to myself. Hesitantly, I got out of bed and put on Kolby's camo hoodie. " Come on Diesel," I whispered, running to the door and bending down to pet his head.

I opened the door slowly, and stepped into the dark hallway. I made my way into the living room, Diesel trotting at my feet. Voices came from outside, and I silently walked to the window. I pulled the curtain back a little bit, and spotted Mark at the end of the driveway with 3 others.

Closing the curtain, I tried to decide on waking Jake up or not. They're probably trying to find my bike, I said to myself, they won't be able to find it, though.

My dirt bike was hidden in the spare closet in Jake's room. We figured it would be safer to keep it in the house, than outside.

I pushed Jake's bedroom door open, and his deep breathing filled my ears. I walked up to his face, and tapped gently on his shoulder. " Jake!" I whispered.

" What?" He groaned, not opening his eyes.

" Get up!"

" Kaylie, go back to sleep."

I ran my hand through my long hair, and tapped his shoulder again. This time, Jake opened his eyes, and grabbed my hand. " This better be good," He muttered.

" Mark's h-here. With three other people. I t-think they're trying to find my bike," I stuttered from the shock, " Please let go of me and get them out of here."

Jake's eyes widened, and he jumped out of bed. He made his way over to his closet, and pulled out a shotgun. He turned around, and gave me a smirk. " They'll leave once they see this."

" Put some pants on. It'll be more menacing instead of boxers," I teased.

Jake rolled his eyes, and pulled on a pair of jeans. We exited the bedroom, and walked into the living room. " Who's gun is that?" I asked.

" It's not even real," Jake replied, " Can that dog growl?"

" Are you kidding?" I asked, " He hates anyone who comes near here."

Jake unlocked the door, and turned to me. I nodded slowly, and he kicked the door open. He stepped out onto the deck, and kept the gun hidden behind his back. " What do you guys want?" He asked.

" Nothing, just hanging out," Mark replied, his voice slurring.

" On my property?"

I watched as the faces of Kaydon, Cole, and Ashley brightened by the moon. I tightened my grip on Diesel's collar as he wriggled around. " Easy boy," I whispered.

" I'll give you 5 seconds to leave, or I'll be releasing the dog," Jake threatened.

" What can that mutt do?" Mark snapped back.

Jake pulled out the gun, and I watched as the group's eyes grew wide with fear. I released my hold on Diesel's collar, and he bolted out the door. Ashley let out a terrified scream as Diesel snarled at Jake's feet. " Want to underestimate him?" Jake asked, clicking the pretend bullet into the barrel of the gun, " I'd advise you to leave and never come back."

" Can we please leave?" Ashley begged.

I stepped out onto the deck, and crossed my arms over my chest. I looked down at Diesel, and everything went silent. " Diesel!" I ordered.

Diesel's head snapped up, and my green gaze met his icy blue gaze. I nodded toward the group standing in the driveway. " Go get 'em."

At that, Diesel jumped off the deck, and ran full speed at the group. Ashley screamed loudly, and took off towards the car that was parked across the street. Kaydon and Cole ran after her, and Mark went to run too, but Diesel attached himself to his leg. " Get him off!" Mark yelled.

" Promise me you and your friends will stay far away from me," I yelled back.

" Ok! I promise!" Mark shouted, his face panic stricken.

I looked over at Jake, and he nodded. Turning my attention back to Mark, I whistled loudly. " Diesel! Off!" I ordered.

Diesel detached himself from Mark, and ran up to me. I pulled out a treat from Kolby's sweater pocket, and rewarded Diesel as Mark limped to his car.

Once we got back inside, Jake followed me back to my bedroom. I crawled into the blankets, Diesel and Shadow at my feet. Jake turned my lamp on, and sat at the foot of my bed. " It's not safe for you here," He said, sadly, " Maybe you should go back to living with Mom and Dad. Incidents like this will keep getting worst and worst."

" No," I replied, " You know how it's like down there now. Construction is everywhere! I wouldn't be able to ride or see Kolby... I'd be miserable. I'll be fine here, Jake. Please let me stay."

Jake glared at me with bloodshot eyes. " Fine. But the next time they come here, someone's getting their ass kicked."

" That's what big brothers are for," I teased, " You were pretty threatening when you were holding that shotgun in only your jeans I must say."

" Yeah, and you were probably drooling over my 6-pack," Jake teased back.

I pulled the blanket over my head. " That's disgusting. Get out of here."

Jake let out a laugh, and stood up as I pulled the blanket back down. He walked over to my door, and walked out of my room. He stuck his head back inside. " Goodnight, Shortie."

" Goodnight Fake 6-pack," I replied.

Jake shut the bedroom door, and I could still here him laughing as I closed my eyes.

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