~Chapter 12~

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I woke up to the sound of yelling upstairs. Sitting up, I spotted Kaydon fast asleep on the chair with his earphones in his ears. " Kaydon!" I whispered.

Kaydon didn't move a muscle, so I rised out of bed and walked over to him. I let out a yawn, and gently tapped on Kaydon's shoulder. His eyes fluttered open, and I took a step back as he sleepily blinked a few times. " Did they stop?" He asked, taking his earphones out.

" Stop what?"

" I had to come down here and sleep because Cole and Mark were fighting upstairs. Appaarently, they saw Alex drive by really slow. Mark thinks he knows you're here."

I raised my eyebrows. " So I'm at Mark's?"

Kaydon sighed, and nodded in agreement. " Yes."

The yelling stopped upstairs, and I let out a sigh in relief. A loud bang came from upstairs, then Mark's voice. " Kaydon!" He yelled angrily.

I flinched at the tone of his voice, and Kaydon noticed as he stood up from the chair. " I'll go calm him down," He whispered.

I nodded, and he left me alone in the basement. I stayed silent, and listened to the conversation upstairs. " So you want all three of us to go to Alex's?" Kaydon asked.

" Yes. He was obviously looking for Kaylie, and I know he will be back. If we go now, we can teach him a lesson for coming here and looking around," Mark replied.

" Will she be ok by herself?" Cole asked.

" Yes, the door is locked and I will lock all the doors into my house. Come on!" Mark snapped.

The three sets of footsteps ran across the floor above my head, and I heard the door slam. Sitting down on the bed, I placed my head in my hands. I'm never getting out of here, I said to myself. I layed my head on the pillow, and closed my eyes.


I jolted up from the bed as I heard a door burst open upstairs. There was no way Cole, Mark, and Kaydon were back yet. How would someone get into the house without a key, and why would they?

Footsteps ran down the stairs, and stopped at the basement door. I heard the familiar three clicks of the locks, and I jumped off the bed in a defensive stance. I waited in anticipation for the door to open, and finally, it flyed open. " Alex!" I yelled, running to him.

Alex caught me in a hug. " Kaylie! I knew you would be here!"

" Cole, Mark, and Kaydon are gone to your house. You don't have much time to get out of here!" I said frantically.

Alex looked into my eyes, and smiled. " I'm fine. I got to get you out of here."

" How did you get in?"

Alex took a silver paper clip out of his pocket, and I smiled. " I can pick a lock pretty fast," He murmured, " Now, to get your bike. Mine is outside by the door."

He walked over to the room that held my bike, and unlocked the door in under two seconds. I followed him inside, and he jogged up the ramp to the door. He kicked it open, and I pushed my bike over to the ramp. Alex looked down at me from the top of the ramp, and I looked back up at him. " Ready?" I asked.

" Yes, push it up."

I started to push the bike up the wooden ramp, and Alex grabbed the handlebars as I placed my hands on the seat. He pulled it onto the grass by the door, and I gave him an appreciative smile. I walked outside, and blinked from the brightness. " You ok?" Alex laughed, giving me the handlebars.

" Yeah, it's just a bit bright."

Alex walked over to his bike, and put his helmet on. His eyes grew wide, and he looked over at me. " I don't have an extra helmet!" He exclaimed.

" I'll be fine. I'm going straight to Kolby's. That's if I can find it," I replied, sitting on my bike.

" I can take you," Alex replied, " You should have a helmet though... What if you flip your bike?"

I sighed, and kick-started my bike. " I won't, so if you could hurry up, that would be nice."

Alex kick-started his bike too, and I let out the clutch, slowly. I followed Alex around the side of the house, and onto the main road. Shifting into third, Alex held up his arm, signaling for me to stop. I glanced passed him, and spotted Mark's car approaching us. Of course, I said to myself, slowing to a stop but not shutting my bike off. The car stopped too, and Mark, Cole, and Kaydon jumped out. " Alex!" Mark growled.

" That's my name," Alex replied smartly.

" Ashley's going to be pissed if we tell her Kaylie escaped!" I heard Cole murmur to Mark.

Mark stepped toward me, and Alex tapped my shoulder. He leaned toward me, and I turned my head to hear him better over the sound of the dirt bike engines. " Take the left onto Dixon road, then turn right onto the dirt road. Follow that and you will see Kolby's house in less than 5 minutes," He whispered loudly, enough for me to hear.

I nodded, and gave Cole, Mark, and Kaydon a smile. I drove away quickly, feeling badly about leaving Alex behind.

Scanning the left side of the road, I saw the Dixon Road sign coming into view. I slowed down, and turned onto the road, going for about one minute until I turned onto the dirt road on the right.

I shifted to 5th gear, and signed in relief as I saw Kolby's large house in the distance. I was finally free. I had my bike back, and I could go back to the way life was before.

The Life Of A Motocross Girl 2: GoneWhere stories live. Discover now