~Chapter 20~

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Kolby gripped the steering wheel harder as we went around a bend in the road. I glanced over at him, and his knuckles started to turn white. " Are you ok?" I asked.

" Yeah, fine," He muttered, keeping his gaze locked onto the road ahead of us.

I let out a sigh, and Kolby placed his hand on my thigh, causing me to tense. I glared at him, and he turned to give me a smirk. Rolling my eyes, I placed my hand on top of his. " Nervous?" I asked.

" No," Kolby replied, returning his gaze back to the road, " I'm just trying to hold my emotions back before I get there so I don't punch them all out."

I nodded understandingly, and gazed out the windshield of the car. " Lucia's having a party tonight, and she wanted to know if we wanted to go," I blurted out.

Kolby laughed, making my breath catch in my throat. " As a celebration for whatever happens today?" He asked.

" No," I replied, " It's more of a get together."

" Yeah, let's go with that," Kolby murmured, a hint of laughter in his voice.


I took my seat in the chairs at the front of the courtroom, Kolby beside me. Jillisa was sitting beside me, and Jinx beside her. Mark, Cole, Kaydon, and Ashley were at the front, a police officer beside each of them. Alex was beside Kolby, and Jake, my parents, Kolby's parents, Lucia and Nick, and my great grandmother were mixed into the jury.

" May we begin?" The officer beside the judge's stand asked.

Everyone's voices died down, and the judge smiled at the crowd. " Good afternoon," She started, " We're here to bring justice to these four adolescents after their horrific acts against Kaylie Skye, Kolby Reynolds, Jinx Nickelson, and Alex Affleck. Can Alex tell his story about what happened to him first please?"

Alex stood up, and gave me a small smile before going to a large podium in front of the judge's stand. He faced the crowd, and started telling everything that happened between him and the group. The courtroom was so quiet, you could here a pin drop.

Once he was finished, the judge asked Cole, Mark, Kaydon, and Ashley if everything he said was correct. They all agreed, and she called Jinx to the stand. He quickly told her how he was shot, and Mark and Cole agreed to the statement.

" Can Kolby Reynolds come up please?"

Kolby gave my hand a squeeze, and he walked over to the podium. He gave me a smile, and started his side of the story. He started from the day Jinx was shot, and ended with me being kidnapped. I listened contently as he finished his statement, and the judge finally looked at me. " Kaylie Skye?"

I stood up, and Kolby brushed passed me slowly, leaning into my ear. " You'll be fine," He whispered.

I smiled, and faced the large crowd in front of me. " I don't really know what else to add. Kolby covered most of it, but I just want to say Kaydon wasn't a huge part in this. Yes, he helped kidnap me. That was only because of Cole and Mark pressuring him, though. You see, he wanted friends. Cole and Mark told him this was a way for him to become friends with them. This whole thing was fueled by Ashley."

I turned around to face the judge, and she gave me a nod. " So Kaydon had generally nothing to do with this?" She asked.

" No, and Ashley was the biggest contributer to this," I replied.

" Actually, it was you!" Ashley snapped, " If you wuldv'e stayed away from Kolby, none of this would've-"

" Quiet please!" The judge yelled, " I need a few moments to come to a conclusion."

I walked back to my seat, and Kolby grapsed my hand as I sat back down. The judge was silent for a few moments, and Ashley glared at me the entire time. I looked at Kaydon, and he gave me a respectful nod. Mark and Cole's faces were pale, and they were stiff as boards.

" I came to a conclusion," The judge announced, " Kaydon, you get a $300 fine for following along with this crime. No jail time. Cole, you get 3 months in prison, and a $700 fine for following along with Mark, plus the shooting of Jinx Nickelson. Mark, you get 4 months in jail, and a $800 fine for being a big part of this. And Ashley," The judge said, placing her papers down on the desk, " You get 1 year in prison, and a $1000 fine for being the biggest part of the crime. Plus, you're on probation for 2 months after your jail time is up. Kaylie and Kolby will be getting a restraining order against you as well."

" What?" Ashley yelled, " You can't do this!"

The judge stood up and glared at her. " Watch me. Officers, take the three away, unlock the fourth. Case dismissed."

In that moment, chaos erupted within the room. Me, Kolby, Alex, and Jinx group hugged, and I pulled Jillisa in as well. There were cheers from the jury, and Ashley's yells started to diminish as she was led away from the room. Kolby cupped my face in his hands, and pressed his lips gently against mine. I pulled away, smiling, and saw Kaydon walking toward us. I grasped Kolby's arm, and he turned to glare at Kaydon. Kaydon stopped infront of us, and awkwardly looked down at his feet. " Um, thanks," He said.

" For what?" Kolby asked.

" You could've sent me to jail with the rest of them," Kaydon replied, looking up at us with his piercing blue eyes.

" You don't deserve it," I murmured, loosening my grip on Kolby's arm.

Kaydon nodded, and took a few steps forward. He gave Kolby a bro hug, and moved to me. He wrapped his arms around me, and hugged me tightly. We pulled away, and he gave us a smile. " Thanks again," He said.

Me and Kolby both smiled, and he left us. I turned to Kolby, and smiled. "Let's go," I said.

Kolby smiled back, and nodded solemly. We both left the courthouse with wide smiles and it felt like I could finally get back to the life I was used to.

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