~Chapter 8~

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Kolby sat down beside me on the couch, and we both sat in silence, waiting for Jake to speak. " Ok," He started, " Tell me anyone who you think could've taken your bike."

" Cole?" I asked.

Kolby shook his head. " No, Cole's parents only allow him one dirt bike. If he comes home with another, they will sell it. Ashley?"

Jake crossed his arms. " She's a girl. What would she say to her parents about a dirt bike? What about Mark?"

" Yeah! He told alex that his parents are gone away and he's doing renovations to the house. But when Alex got there, he saw nothing and they wanted him to leave right away," I started.

" And he did act strange the night Kaylie mentioned the cops at the party. Problem is, we already checked the garage and found nothing," Kolby finished.

Jake nodded slowly, and bit his bottom lip. " Mark is definatly our first priority. If he did have something to do about this, Cole would know too."

" So what's the plan?" I asked, leaning forward.

" We're going to Mark's Thursday night and checking out his house," Jake replied, and left the living room to go into the kitchen.

I turned to Kolby, and he smiled down at his phone. Worry started to rise up inside of me. " What?" I asked.

Kolby handed me his phone, and I read the text on the screen.

Jinx: Me and Jillisa's first date tomorrow! So pumped!

I handed Kolby his phone back, and he gave me a serious look. " What did you think it was?" He asked.

" Um, I-I don't know," I stuttered, looking down at my hands.

" You thought it was another girl!"

" Kolby-"

Before I could say anything else, Kolby pulled me onto his lap, and looked me straight in the eyes. " Don't ever think that again, ok? I wouldn't hurt you like that. Actually, I would never hurt you."

" I know," I whispered.

" Good!"

" Will you stay the night tonight?"

Jake walked back into the living room with a bowl full of chips. " Who stay where for the night?" He asked teasingly.

I rolled my eyes. " I asked if Kolby could stay here tonight."

Jake set the bowl of chips down on the table, and turned the T.V on. " I'm cool with that."

" I will go home and get a change of cloths for tomorrow, then. Be back in a bit," Kolby said, kissing my cheek.

I moved back onto my side of the couch, and grabbed a handful of chips as Jake choosed a channel that had live Motocross racing on from California.


I pulled my blanket up to my shoulders, and scrolled through my text messages on my phone. I tapped on Jillisa's name.

Me: Congratualtions on tomorrow!

Jillisa: I was actually just about to text you! Thank you!

Me: Don't mess it up. You two are adorable.

Jillisa: I wouldn't in a million years.

Me: Good. I got to go. See you tomorrow!

Jillisa: Bye!

A notifaction popped up on my phone screen, and I tapped the link. A news website popped up, and the article was about me winning the Motocross world finals. I quickly read through the article, and when I reached the bottom, it had a picture of me with my bike on the stage. A caption at the bottom of the picture read: " Skye's bike was recently stolen, and the police have suspended the search after several days of finding nothing in the disappearance. It was stolen in the Freetown area in PEI, and if anyone hears anything about it, please call the police department."

My bedroom door opened, and shut quickly as I turned my phone off. Kolby stood in front of my bed, and I stared wide-eyed at his bare chest. My eyes moved up to his face, and he smirked at me. " You done checking me out?" He asked.

" Um, I-I guess?" I stuttered, giving him an embarrassed smile.

He climbed into bed, and wrapped his arms around me as I shut the light off. I snuggled into his chest. " Did you see the news article about you?" Kolby asked.

" I just finished reading it when you came in. Did you see the caption on the last picture?"

" Yeah. We don't need the cops to find your bike. We will find it by ourselves."

" True. I'm so tired, I feel like I'm dying."

Kolby laughed, and pulled me closer. " Than go to sleep. I love you."

" I love you too," I replied, before I let sleep take over my thoughts.

The Life Of A Motocross Girl 2: GoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora