Chapter 6 ~ Love Warning (Part 3)

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Talya had scanned August's messages and they went to her most recent location.

"If she stopped messaging half an hour ago, what are the different options as to where she could've gone?" She asked.

"Attacked, abducted, Unconscious." Jacob responded.

"She's with the unsubs for a reason. They would've put effort into getting the notes to her only to dump her body somewhere. She's alive." Mason said, searching around more.

"Why did they want her?"

"Now that I think about it, besides all the abducted girls being at the same school and class, they all look somewhat similar in terms of their face symmetry and hair colour."

"Somewhat blonde haired girls wih glasses or contact lenses."

"They want August in their fantasy competition."


'Her name's August, she works with the FBI.'

"I know that you pathetic idiot. I need to know about her past...I'm fairly confident that it's her." Nathan looked at August.

'I will try my best, Nathan.'

He left the room, leaving August and him alone. She was still asleep, but she would be waking up any minute now.

He waited a few more minutes before seeing her eyes flutter open. She raised her head and looked at him, confused.

"This wasn't in my plan of work, y'know"

* ...who are you-

"Wouldn't you like to know."

* Yes...that's why I asked.

She realised her habd were tied up.

"You wouldn't remember, but I remember you. I was just a kid, y'know."

She shook her head to properly wake up.

* That's not helping me pin down who you are buddy.

"You think nobody would discover who you are? My father would've caught you out ages ago."

* Who's your father?


* Oh...I'm sorry to h-

"Tyler Hayward."


* Uhm, who?

He stared blankly at August.

"Don't play those STUPID games with me. I know you have magic and I know you're not even American. Cut the stupid act."

* There is no act-

"STOP IT. Each of those girls will DIE unless you be honest with me."

* There's no need for that.


August ducked her head as she heard the door get knocked down, police officers and her team rushing in. The guy yelling at her ran off, Mason and Jacob chasing after her.

They caught them..they saved the girls. Before August passed out, she had taken the tracking chip out of her phone and placed it in her sleeve. It was only a matter of time till the others picked it up her hints. Talya untied her and hugged her tightly.


August stayed in the hospital for a day under observation before she was giving the okay to return to work. She entered the office with four coffee for her ad the team.

"August, you're back!" Talya gave her another big hug.

She smiled and sat down, giving everyone their coffee.

"Good to see you back. Four out of five of the boys have been caught. Is there anything you remember about what he said to you, August?"

* I know who he is.

They all looked at her.

"You do??"

* He said he was the son of Tyler Hayward, but he's dead. He thought I was somebody else.

Jacob turned on his tablet and scrolled down his case files.

"I remember when I was in the FBI academy, we worked on the Hayward case. His team was all males except the one person."

* Who?

"His assistant. Eliza Alpine. As far as I'm aware, she's dead."

"She died in the UN bombing, right?"

"That's what was thought, but remember the sudden surge if chaos magic and her relations to Grim Alexander?"

* They got married. But both are dead as of...5 years. Grim via suicide and Eliza unknown.

"So how do we know she's dead?"

"Case files said she was a megalomaniac. She loved the power she had, she wouldn't just...stop using it."

* We need to find more on the Hayward family. Their history, their present, and their potentials.

They nodded and got to work. August and Mason visited Hayward's  old offices. They were still there, but his projects on magical beings had been discontinued.

August spent the entire time reading through the old case.

* He was verbally abusive and manipulative according to his staff, male and female.

"I'm not surprised. He took all his negative traits and put them into his son."

* But why would his son target his father's personal assistant?

"Affair maybe?"

* Based on Eliza's files, strongly doubt it.

"She knew something he didn't want him to know."

* We just need to find out what that is.


He sat at his desk, looking at the information.

"Fucking hell..."

As impossible as it sounded, it had to he her.

"I'll killer everyone if that means watching you suffer."


The four sat around the table, looking at all the information compiled into the screen.

"Nathan Hayward wants revenge on woman, after all, it was a woman who ruined his father's name and reputation."

"According to past schools, he was bullied by both girls and boys and as an act of revenge, hurt them back."

* As a result of his reputation, him and four other boys - his friends - were romantically alone, the fact that it was almost valentines day triggered such an intense event.

"We've caught four of them, Nathan escaped. How he disappeared so quickly could imply that he's using magic." Jacob explained.

"Magic is strictly forbidden in the overground. How did he get access to it?"

* Illegally. Could've made a deal, the possibilities are almost endless.

Mason took a phone call and entered the room.

"This case can be put on hold, a new case has come up in our local area."

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