Chapter 5 ~ Love Warning (Part 2)

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They all looked at August as if she was crazy.

"Disguise yourself as a student and try and get a note invitation from the triple five. God help us all, you've officially gone insane."

* I'll have a mic and a tracker, it'll be fine!

"As much as I admire your courage, it's a risk we can't take." Mason said.

August sighed. A police officer came into the room before another word could be said.

'Another body has been found.'


Talya sat down with Georgia, smiling.

"I just have to ask you a few questions, but you can answer or ask any you'd like. Is that okay..?"

She nodded.

"Is it true that you were given a note from the triple 5?"


"What did the note say?"

She wrote it down.

[You think you're the chosen one? You're right, you are. Meet us at the far left corner of the football field after school. Do not bring anyone else with you.]

"Did you go..?"

She nodded, starting to fiddle with her fingers.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?"

'It''s not what you think. They just complimented me...told me I was someone special. But then they wanted me to take a drug of some sort..but I said no..'

"How did they react to you saying no?"

She didn't respond, but instead rolled her arm up.

'They were third degree burns...'

Talya held her hand.

"Do you know who the boys were?"

'No, they wore masks. But they were tall, and muscular, and of different races..'

"Could you imagine them being in one of the more aggressive sports teams at the school?"

She nodded.

'They were wearing the rugby jumpers. But there's quite a lot of rugby groups at school...'

"Thank you so much for this Georgia, if you need anything, just call my number. :)"

Talya messaged the others about what she'd found out.

August, Mason, and Jacob arrived at the crime scene, it was in the outdoor seating area of a local café.

* The unsubs are getting bolder. Two dropped her off here according to the CCTV cameras.

"You two take a look around, I'll talk to the café owner and workers." Mason said before walking into the café.

The still body laid cold by the chairs.

"No physical injuries. So what do you find killed her?"

* Poison? Chemical gas? From what I can see, her arms were the only ones bound together.

August and Jacob looked around the other seats and tables outside.

"What in the-"

* Hm? Everything okay?

"You know that note you found at the precious scene and how we thought it was directed at the first victim?"

* Mhm..?

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