Chapter 9 - Add One

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The week after...

'The children range from newborn to sixteen years of age. Please feel free to look around and talk to them. If you decide to adopt one, come back to me and we can get the papers sorted.'

August nodded and she walked into the play room.


After a pep talk from Jacob, it was clear that being single, alone, secretive, and overly normal brought suspicion to her name. She needed to change that title.

So she was going to adopt a child!

She entered the baby room and immediately left the room after a few seconds. With her job, she couldn't get a baby. That was too much work and time. She didn't want a teenager either, they'd leave too soon.

Like the others.

'The children in this room range from 5 to 10.' He said.

She opened the door and looked at all of them. They were all playing with one another. She wanted a child that was smart, funny, respectful, someone who-

A little girl tapped August.


The Next Day...

"You really adopted a kid?"

August nodded, putting the groceries in her car.

* Mhm! She's a little bundle of energy, and her name is Gabriella.

"How old is she?"

* Seven. I'll ask Mason about cutting my hours temporarily so I can spend  time with her.

"Good idea."

She parked the car and Jacob helped her bring the groceries inside.

" left her in the house alone?"

* It was only 20 minutes. ;w;

They unpacked the groceries before gently knocking on Gabriella's bedroom door.

* Gabriella...? Can I open the door..? Your Uncle J is here. :)

"Yah! I'm awake Ma!"

"She already calls you Ma?! That's adorable."

August opened the door and saw Gabriella playing with her toys.

* I'm making food, are you hungry?

She nodded before dashing out of her room. As August cooked, Jacob and Gabriella played with her toys.


"Me?? Why me?!"

"Cos I wanna be the hero spy!!"

* Pffft.

August poured the stir fry sauce into the vegetables before adding the noodles. It smelt great, just like how she remembered. She made some side disbes too. When she'd finished cooking, she dished it out for the three of them.

"Thanks Ma!"

* Of course sweetheart. :)

"This meal is great, thanks August."

* No problemo. How's Maya and Harry?

"They're doing great. Harry took his first steps just the other day."

* That's so cute. 🥹 I'll come and visit soon, I promise.

Jacob nodded whilst finishing his food quickly. He had to get back to his family after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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