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how i met chuuya?

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how i met chuuya?

that's an interesting question. i met him after awaking from being shot, in his apartment. the memories aren't very clear to me, but he was the one who informed me that i was presumed 'dead' by...by an organisation, and told me to live my life. he said his goodbyes with a sad expression on his face.

how ass.

I don't remember what organisation i had been in, but apparently it was my lifeline- my source of income. so when i ran out of money, i had to choose to either head to an orphanage, or be a beggar on the streets. in the end, i chose none of those options.

there was an organisation i discovered, the ADA- i joined that instead. when i joined, there were four members. ah, i met yosano then, too. shortly after, dazai had joined as well.

the weird thing was, after dazai joined, i met chuuya way more often. it wouldn't even be when dazai was with me. it was as though chuuya always knew where i was. was someone constantly tell him?

given our frequent interactions, we were bound to grow close. and when i found out that dazai often hangs out with chuuya too, i suggested that we all hang out together.

a stupid decision.

they revealed to me that they were dating on one of these hangouts, leaving me to sort out my emotions. on that day, i realised my feelings for them, and how we could never be together.

but that's enough depressing talk.

chuuya, is....unique, to say the least. his ability is interesting, and i find the red a beautiful colour. the same colour of the petals i cough out. they're beautiful. honestly, chuuya reminds me of a constantly pissed off chihuahua....

pfft. that's kind of funny.

ah, he loves to drink wine as well. he even taught me that good wine leaves a stain on your hand, but bad wine doesn't. I don't know when I'm going to use that information, but...alright.

chuuya is such a loveable person, from head to toe. i just can't help but love everything about him! you get it, right? his personality, his looks, his ability, his voice....ah, i wish i could just pick him up, put him in a cage, lock it up and watch him forever and ever.

truly, i loved him so beautifully, and with all my heart.

(a/n: uuurrgHHH exams r sucking the life out of me but i finally managed to have time to update this fic

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(a/n: uuurrgHHH exams r sucking the life out of me but i finally managed to have time to update this fic...anywayz i hope y'all enjoyed yayayayay)

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