It was their house after all, and I understood that their guests must be someone important. It's only natural that they would prioritize them over me. So, I settled in, acknowledging the reality of the situation. Sometimes, it's about accepting the facts and finding our own peace within them, though I felt little sad of not sharing a seat with Adhyaan.

After a while, Adhyaan finally made his way down, just like every day, in a rush and running late. He quickly took his usual seat. But within a few seconds, his eyes caught sight of me sitting at a distance, and it was clear that he had questions.

I responded with a small smile and subtly motioned my eyes towards Tara. Adhyaan didn't say much about it, but before anyone else could speak up, Tara's voice filled the room with excitement. It was as if she couldn't contain her enthusiasm any longer. The anticipation in the air grew, and we all turned our attention towards her, curious to hear what she had to say.

" Bhai, today we have a guest. A freind of mine, guess who?"

But he just shrugged his shoulders and spoke

" She's your friend Tara, how would I even know."

But just as Tara was about to say something more, the doorbell rang, instantly grabbing everyone's attention. Tara, being the eager one, was the first to rush towards the door, as if it was the moment she had been eagerly waiting for.

She practically sprinted to the main gate and excitedly welcomed a girl who had arrived with her. It was clear that Tara had been eagerly anticipating this person's arrival, and the energy in the room shifted as we all wondered who this new arrival was and what their presence would bring to our gathering.

To say , the girl standing beside Tara was an absolute stunner. She had this gorgeous combination of blonde and brown hair that flowed effortlessly. And her outfit, oh my! She was rocking a short, form-fitting dress that accentuated her curves perfectly. She looked like she just stepped out of a fashion magazine.

Not only that, she had an undeniable presence - tall, confident, and undeniably beautiful. I couldn't help but admire her from afar. Tara, accompanied by this stunning girl, made her way towards the dining area, and with anticipation in her voice, she began to speak.

" She's my friend Natasha, and she's going to stay here for few days"

She informed and soon everyone greeted her and had a word with her and after she greeted everyone.

She went near adhyaan and hugged him out of nowhere and spoke

" Hello adhyaan , it's been long since we have spent time."

To be honest, it took me a little while to process what had just happened. In that moment, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness and started comparing myself to her. But then I reminded myself that Adhyaan is a successful businessman, so it's only natural for him to know someone like her. Plus, she's Tara's friend, so they must have a history together.

Trying not to let it affect me any further, I quietly focused on my breakfast. But deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being inferior and left out in that room. It just felt like everything and everyone belonged, except for me. It's hard not to overthink and feel like you don't fit in when everyone around seems to effortlessly blend in.

I couldn't help but notice that even Adhyaan had a smile on his face when he looked at her. They shared a moment, and it stung a little. Then Tara spoke up, breaking the silence. Her words echoed in the room, but I couldn't fully grasp their meaning. It's moments like these that make you question your place and wonder if you're truly seen and valued. But I reminded myself to stay strong and not let these fleeting interactions affect me

"Hey, Natasha, take a seat over there. That's where you'll be sitting."

As I sat there, watching Natasha and Adhyaan engrossed in their conversation over breakfast, a pang of sadness washed over me. It hurt to see them connecting so effortlessly, but I made a conscious choice to push that feeling aside. After all, it's just a fleeting moment, and I didn't want to let it dampen my mood.

They must have met after a long time, catching up on lost moments. I decided to let go of those thoughts and focus on the reason today was special for me. It was my first day at my new job, a milestone worth celebrating. Even though I had already informed Adhyaan yesterday, I felt the need to share the excitement with him again today. It's funny how emotions can intertwine, a mix of sadness and happiness, but I was determined to embrace the joy of this new chapter in my life.

After breakfast, I headed to my room to finish up some work, while everyone else went about their own tasks. Once I was done, a thought crossed my mind - maybe he had forgotten about my job news. After all, he came home late last night, that might kept him busy with some really important meeting.

With that thought in my head, I hurriedly made my way out of my room and towards the parking lot, knowing Adhyaan would be there. I was excited to share my news with him, especially since we hadn't had a chance to talk all morning, not even during breakfast. The anticipation of meeting him in the parking lot put me in a happy mood once again. But as I rushed towards the parking lot, my mood took a nosedive when I saw him there, talking to Natasha.

I couldn't explain it, but I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. It was in that moment that I realized maybe I had been mistaken about his feelings for me. Maybe it was all in my head, and I had imagined that he cared about me and remembered the things that mattered to me. It's a tough realization to come to, and I'm still trying to process it all.

So, after seeing them together, I decided not to interrupt their conversation.

I quietly turned around and made my way back to my room. It felt like the best thing to do in that moment.

It was a mix of disappointment and a sense of resignation that washed over me as I walked away. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it or cause any unnecessary drama. Sometimes, it's better to step back and let things unfold on their own.

So, I retreated to my room, trying to process my emotions and figure out what it all meant.

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