You Are Never Alone (Part 2)

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Hey, a little late but better then my previous track record of updates 😅

(I had to drag this out so this one isn't the full blown angsty that will be coming soon and will include some...stuff. I have it planned and let's just say, I might  not be your biggest fan, BUT I'll put in some lovely fluff in there too and make it a little better.

Ps. It's a bit short but it's late, a bit rushed, and the next one is going to be where shit gets real so it's not going to be my best work. Thanks to you all for the support, YALL are awesome 😎

Warnings: insults, very brief injuries, fluff, and a cliffhanger muhahahahaha 😈

Morning came and the small squad were all thrilled that every member had an official name other then a random number. But it didn't excuse them from training, so they all made their way down to the training room they were all about to figure out what their squad could do.

They all slipped on their training gear and grabbed blasters for the simulation. Rex was in his sharpest ready position while the others kind of just winged it from the pictures in the textbooks and kept the blasters pointed away from each other.

When the lift platform rose it was dark.

Red light.
Lights off.
Green light.

They all ran for cover behind different structures. There were 5 droids, and they were all given instructions, formation 5, eliminate targets, set for stun. Tipper managed to flank around the corner of his cover structure and get a near perfect shot to the head of the droid.

After the first one went down the rest weren't to far to fallow, and everything was going fine, they were down to one droid, Rex popped out from his cover and shot, but his foot caught on a scrapped droid leg. He could tell something twisted too much but he still had to give the final shot to the active droid

The training bolt shot out of the barrel with a flash, hitting the droid and sending it into sparks. With a little assistance from Rocko squad they got him up, stubbornly he said he was fine while obviously still in pain. He hid the pain in his leg well, but not well enough for a longneck to overlook it.

When they slowly made their way back to the change rooms, they quickly got back to their blacks and returned the training gear. When they stepped back into the bright hallways of the Kaminoen facility they started the walk to the caff. About halfway through the walk Rex had to take a break from walking but still didn't want to worry the others so he told the others he dropped something, and that he'd be right behind them.

The slick figure of a tall pasty longneck trailed behind, they made quick work of pinning him to the wall "your weakness will not be tolerated, if you ever fail again it's straight to the decommissioning labs with you blondie" the longneck spat with venom laced within its voice. With a flick of a wrist Rex was slammed into the wall as the longneck couldn't risk being caught in its actions.

Like a flip of a switch the Kaminoen slipped back into the shadows, as a new squad of cadets came into view. Rex was still on the floor, trying to distinguish what pain was coming where, along with the reason why his eyes were blurry. He wasn't sure how he didn't notice be he was currently crying. So many things hurt, he just wanted to be back in the barracks.

When the other squad came into view they all froze. The leader, Cody was the first to approach Rex, shortly fallowed by Wolffe, Bly, and Ponds. "Hey, are you lost? Where's your squad?" Cody said slowly offering a hand up. Rex shook his head but excepted the hand " I-I'm Rex, I'm with Rocko squad, I got separated on the way to the caff". The others introduced themselves and offered to walk with him the rest of the way to the caff.

"You know, if something like that happens again, you can come to us, we're in block B room 004" Wolffe spoke up as Cody gently nudged Rex to turn to the next hallway. "Thanks" he responded with a smile forming on his face. Sure it wasn't he's squad but it was like a second set of brothers, refreshing after some of the treatment of other clones.

Soon enough they reached the caff, where the rest of Rocko squad stood. After a moment to realize it was him Ghost immediately rushed over, the rest fallowing behind. "Hey, you alright Rex? Thanks for bringing him back guys, I swear he was right there, then it got blurry, I thought it was-",  "it was no problem brother, longneck was giving him a hard time but we got him out" Cody replied.

Both squads went into the caff and got to talking a bit more. They actually got along really well, Rex was slowly getting closer to the new squad, Cody in particular. Something about his "calm older brother demeanour" was something that was just indescribable. However, they did have to head back to the barracks before lights out. As the squads split off they weren't aware of what was going on right under their noses.


It was a big waste of time in their opinion, the squad of failures, only proof of imperfections, malfunctions, disappointing results. The only 2 with any potential would be Rex or Axel as they would like to call themselves now. The others were merely just a waste of resources if you asked anyone in the Kaminoen labs. That was the beauty of genetic failures, if they have "serious medical emergencies" no one would care. It's just "an unfortunate situation due to the production error".

And the other two, they would be none the wiser. When the lights go out, so do the cameras. And even if they did see anything, it'd be their word against every Kaminoen on planet, who know how easy it is to fake a medical test.

The plan was already in motion, all they had to do now was wait.


The night went by quick, today was going to be another skill test. Tipper was uneasy, he was always put to the test with these. He couldn't afford to keep mess up, he knew the longnecks have been keeping their beady eyes on him since they found his mutation, but he had to keep going. He wouldn't give up, his brothers needed him.

So much more then he thought.


Sorry, not sorry. Hope y'all enjoyed it while ya did, lemme know if you want another cadet story (wether it's fluffy or dark) for any other group, I just noticed there weren't as many stories about Rex's past and thought, meh. Why not?)

Requests are open, but you guys all know.

Question: who is your favourite member of Rocko squad? AND what do you think/want to happen next? I'm curious...

Later peeps

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