Crosshair x Reader: Sass & Class P.2

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Me again, part two is past the warnings ⬇️

(Edit Mando'a translation at the bottom)

Warnings: Swearing, romance, death (of bad guys, I don't have the heart to kill any clone)

(Y/n)'s pov

Okay. So we were at the briefing and all was going well. Then I heard about the whole "dress code" bit and I knew I was screwed.

"Alright, here goes nothing" I took a few steps without falling. "Not too bad for your first time on heels". I sent Cody an excited smile. I turned to walk towards him but my heal got stuck on the weird tail thing of my dress. "Oh kriff!" I said falling. "TIMBER!!!" I heard someone yell.

"Oh kriff off Hardcase!!" I shouted trying to get up and untangled from the dress. "THAT WAS FIVES!!" He yelled back in defence.

"Either one of ya want to give me a hand up!?!" I shouted defeated. "Giving up over a dress?" Fives said amused. "Yes!" I responded

I could see Cody's smirk and I mentally flipped him off. After I figured out who my targets are for the "assassination/information stealing gala" all I needed was a dress and a partner.

I knew who I wanted as an undercover partner, but that's Hunter's call. Cody being the lovely older brother he is decided he'd take me shopping to get a dress so I wouldn't have to go by myself. After the short ride to the "fancy clothing shop" I looked in the front window and sighed.

"Unofficial GAR business right?" "If your asking if you can cuss then sure" Cody responded with a smirk. "Your the best Ori'vod"

Once we walked in I was almost blinded by the sparkles. Don't get me wrong I like wearing a nice dress or two but these things I hated with a passion. They look good if you're just looking in the mirror. Walking in them, let alone dancing and running. I think not.

Once we got past all the ballroom gowns were the more tolerable evening gowns. These ones I like, fashionable and movable. Now I just have to find one I like.

20 minutes later...
"What about this one?" Cody said holding up a skimpy excuse for a dress, little to no coverage. "Do I look like a display case to you?" I said with a scowl. I saw him hold something up out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see him dying on laughter. It was in my opinion an absolutely hideous dress that was hot pink with puffy shoulders and holes in the chest and hip area. "Are your asking for me to shoot you?

"I'd be worth it" he said once he stopped dying of laughter. "I absolutely refuse to wear anything like that, the colour and the, well the whole thing is hideous." I said calmly.

"Well what colour will you wear?"

"Something that won't make me recognizable in a room full of Seps', maybe a navy blue to help blend into the shadows or whatever people wear to these things" I responded

"So in other words something dark like your soul" Cody quipped with a smirk.


After about 20 minutes later and multiple Mando'a curses I finally picked a dress. I negotiated with Cody on a red dress. It had a crossover top that flowed into a non poofy skirt that went to right about my ankles with a small side slit from my ankle to mid thigh. It even had some sparkles on the skirt. Although I have never liked overly fancy attire tonight could be an exception.

(Something like this) -NOT my image

(Something like this) -NOT my image

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