You Are Never Alone (part 1)

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Omg TheWolfpack104 manages to publish more then once this month??! Holy shit?! This is new, unheard of since the beginning of this book???!! Lol yup. I'm back people. And. Wait for it... it's a two parter that I will be finishing soon 😎 (and not my usual "I'll try to update soon that turns into a month I mean like today/tomorrow!)

Thanks to some reading of some other Star Wars fan fics I'm trying to write more (because let's face it there and a LOT of amazing one out there)


Enough of my blabbing :D

This one is a Cadet story on how Rex meets the commandos

Warnings: (those of you who have read this book language is just kinda a given), fluff, this part isn't but this story is gonna have some good old fashioned angst 😅.

Third person's POV

CT-3034, CT-5292, CT-5492, and CT-7567, that was Rocko squad, in that order they were Ghost, Tipper, Axel, and Rex. Their squad was, different, they weren't quite defective but they weren't the perfect soldiers that the Kaminoens hoped for. Because of this the Kaminoens never took it easy on them, every training drill, every tactical lesson, every combat lesson had to be completed with nothing but perfection or there would be consequences.

Ghost was the leader, his "defect" was that his vision was a little fogged, not by much, but long distances are a struggle, his eyes also were a grey/white colour. The older clones called him ghost boy, so he decided he didn't care and started going by Ghost.

Tipper, the second in command appeared normal but sometimes his hands fumble a little causing his blaster to tip to the side, most of the time he's accurate, but just less then an inch off centre target.

Axel is a completely normal clone, looks, talks, and acts the some, studying to be a pilot, but he's got a spitfire attitude that always gets him in trouble. Ghost was able to keep him levelheaded most of the time, but he's just trying to defend his brothers.

And finally Rex, the blondie, the second the Kaminoens saw the blonde mutation they planed on killing him originally but decided to test the skill of the clone, although they were surprised on how good he was, that never stopped the threats of being decommissioned. Rex was also a bit younger the the rest of his brothers, he would soon be 8 while the others were 9.

Rex was one of the last of the first batch of clones, he'd still graduate with his brothers, he has the skill set for that, but that's if they get to graduate. That was a constant thought that rolled through their heads, but unless they planned on dying they had to keep their heads clear.

*+~+*time skip*+~+*

Now that you know about Rocko squad we should dive into their story, and It starts with the day the squad meets, three different cadets hyped to finally start their training, none of them had names yet, but they were still excited just to have brothers.

Once they first met they really hit it off, but so far they've only met each other, and they're on a planet full of clones, they were clones, they'd have lots of brothers they could count on, right?

Wrong, almost every clone squad just made fun of them, especially 3034, he was pale and his ghostly looking eyes really didn't help his case. Soon enough almost every clone they saw they'd just point and laugh at the "Ghost Boy" after the fifth fight that was almost started by 5492 they decided to head to their barracks.

"3034 what's the barracks number again?" 5292 asked as they walked the bright hallways of the water planet. "Block A room 501, we're almost there. And, call me Ghost" he said with a smile which the others returned.

Once they reached their room they looked around and chose their bunks (it's bad but like this, for now Rex's bunk is empty)

———— [window] —————
Rex. Ghost
———— —————


————- —————-
Axel Tipper
————- —————-


Once they put their few personal belongings away they made their way to the desk that sat in the middle of the room. They didn't even know how long they were talking for but they started to feel a little hungry.

After the short walk they made sure to keep their heads down, this time they got lucky. Not many people had come to eat yet. (I really needed to get this out so I'm gonna be lazy and call meal time skip ;)

As the boys finished eating they started walking towards the trey disposal, unexpectedly 5292's tray dropped to the floor, the others whipped their heads around, expecting him to be in some sort of trouble, but were surprised to see him cringing and holding his hand.

Ghost immediately got worried, thinking he may have possibly stabbed himself with a fork or something along those lines. He carefully approached his brother, and even though his blurry vision he noticed his hand kept twitching-well,it looked more like tipping his hand. It took him a couple seconds to realize that he wasn't in any actual pain. But it wasn't something he could control.

"It's my defect.. I'm just a, a tipper I think it was called?" 5292 admitted in a mumbled whisper. The other two quickly but quietly jumped in, Ghost grabbing his fallen trey and 5492 trying to make him feel a little better with various different tricks and jokes to at least get the sad look off his face, which ended up being very affective when he started making cracks about the Kaminoens.

Ghost disposed of the cheap metal trey and they started to walk back to the barracks.

*+~+*time skip*+~+*

The squad of three was about to turn in for the night, when they heard a knock at the door. They ruched to stand at attention when they saw the door start to open. There stood a longneck, with a blonde cadet?

The cold scientist shoved the smaller kid into the room only explaining with, "another problem to add to the squad", before storming off. Blondie fell to the ground not suspecting such a harsh shove from his own creator. Ghost was quick to help him up and help him to the centre table.

Nonchalantly he cast a glance to his brothers looking between the new cadets head and them. They both nodded yes to confirm his vision was not tricking him. A blondie? That was definitely new, he was also so tiny, he had to have been one of the last of the first batch.

After the initial awkward phase they all learned that the smaller cadet was ct-7567 but people have just been calling him Rex. The older clones helped him get settled in and started their studies. Ghost and 5492 were reading through books and shooting questions off of each other while Rex and Tipper just read to themselves.

As time went on it was closely approaching time for lights out and it was clear that they were all tired. Rex and 5494 had dozed off mid study, Rex stirred when he heard the others wake up but 5492 was still out. Ghost told the other two to go and he'd wake hime up, he lightly shook his arm and he bolted up

"AXELS PAGE 42!!" Ghost just laughed a little "that's right, come on Axles it's almost lights out" he blushed furiously but then a wide smile came across his face "I kinda like the sound of that actually", "as much as I'm proud get your sheebs to bed, we'll celebrate tomorrow"

Was it rushed? Yes. Did I get some writers block trying to give them their names? Yes. Did I keep going cuz I knew this would be a pain to write part 2 without part one? Also yes. SO HERE WE ARE.

Hope y'all liked it, parts 2 (and maybe 3) will be out asap!

Question: would you rather have to face Ahsoka Tano in lightsaber combat (any time period) OR have any Star Wars weapon of your choice?

Until later peeps!

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