"Isnt it appropriate to greet a King like that? " - King Roy II

"Bella.. Stand straight and greet the majesty" uncle said then slap me in my shoulders lightly.

I then just stand straight while still covering my face with my hair then bowed at him. I dont care if i look like awkward. My life is at risk right now. I then come near to uncle Peter and speak to him with a lower volume voice.

"I'll go now uncle. Eat well" i said then quickly walks away.



"Isn't that woman disrespectful, your majesty" - Cedric


She always covers her face with her hair like the last time. Is she just awkward or... She was hiding her face from me?

I then drink my coffee until a woman just stand infront of me.

"Your majesty. You're here again" the woman said that made me lift my head up and looks at her.

"Don't you remember me, your majesty? "

"Who are you? "

"I'm Carmel. The one who asked you to dance last time" - Woman

"Oh... Do you need something? "

"Nothing your majesty, i'm just happy that you came back here again" - Carmel

I then just sip on my coffee again.


After a minutes of sitting peacefully on my sit. Avaron the merchant, who just entered the shop and see me, approach me.

"Your majesty, what are you doing here? " - Avaron

"Can't you see me what I'm doing? " the king said that made avaron look to what he is holding

"Oh, i'm sorry your majesty. " - Avaron

"I just wanna ask you, if you wanted to come by to my shop for sometimes. It has been a long time since I visit the castle. What do you think about it? "

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested"

"Oh c'mmon, your majesty. Your father has been liking me so much. So how come you don't like me? " - Avaron

"I don't say I don't like you. I just said I'm not interested. "

"But you're right, I kinda don't like you"

"You're too mean, your majesty"

"I'm just being honest"

"Let's just forget about the past your majesty" - Avaron

"It's not easy to forget about the past, knowing you just scammed my dad"

"I'm sorry your majesty"

"Now, I want you to out off my sight" - King Roy II

"Your majesty... " - Avaron

"Avaron. "

"Okay, your majesty. I apologize" - Avaron

After an hour, I then justl left the store


"Thank you, your majesty. Come Back again! "

The King has finally left the shop, i was about to come back to my work when Uncle Roger just yelled at me.

"Why the hell are you just standing there?! Work!! " - Uncle Roger

"Yes Uncle" i said then finally continues my work.

Uncle has been treating me badly since then. And my Dad who is always busy to his Astrologies things rarely come here. I just wanna end this kind of life. I wanna be rich and be able to do the things that I want. And I do think, the only way to be like that is to become King Roy's II lover and be a queen. I need him. I need him in my life. But im just a resident. I can't even get close to him. I hope he come back here so i can have a chance to get closer to him.


"Hey, where did you go? " - Troy

"I bought a food to uncle Peter" I answered

"By the way, is that true? Residents can finally give a food to their loved ones working in the kingdom? " - Dew

"Yeah, how did you already know about it? " I asked

"We just heard it from people" - Dew

*smirk* the news were faster than me.

"Hey where u going? Arent you gonna talk to us? " - Troy

"I'm just gonna rest. I need a rest" I said then went inside the house.

I then layed on my bed.


"Whats your name? " - King Roy II


Did he... Did he really recognize me?

And why did he suddenly change a rule in a kingdom? *smirk* why is he playing nice suddenly. *smirk* their family is really plastic. Playing nice to people in person and keeps a smile on their face. But they truly accused many people and kill. That types of people doesnt even deserve to rule a kingdom.


Uncle has already got home. After eating he then finally sleep. It's already midnight but i can't sleep.

What if he really recognize me?? No it can't be. I need to kill him before he even knew who I really am.

I then slowly and carefully get off our house. Then get my sword from our secret place then I was about to walk,someone just talk behind my back so I turned and realize it was just Dew

"Dew ,what are you doing here? "

"I knew it. Do you always do this every night" - Dew

"No, ofcourse not. But please, don't tell it to Troy" 

"It's my first time to tell you this, but are you really sure to what you are doing? If uncle Peter caught you, what will you do. And what if something bad happened to you? What will we going to say to your uncle, huh? " - Dew

"Dew. I know what im doing. Thanks for your concern. But I just really wait for this moment to come. Now that I can finally get a revenge. I will do the best I can. I know that even small mistake can makes a big result. I just want you to keep this secret to Troy. Dew, I know I can trust you"

"I'll get going now"

I then finally walk away and get into the castle. I then get inside carefully and when I get inside, like I always do,  i was hiding to every pole. But even before i get into the last pole to go up in the castle. I saw a shadow to the back of the castle. So I just carefully go there and peek who was it.

I then saw the Lord Protector and the King.

What are they doing?

"My Lord, Aren't you gonna sleep? It's already midnight and you still have a lot to do tomorrow" - Cedric

"I'll just stay here for more minutes. I just need to be alone. So would you mind? " - King Roy II

"Okay, your majesty. I will just gonna left this just incase something happened" cedric said then gave him a small sword then finally leave.

I don't even know that Kings were also being like this sometimes. Ever since, I don't even know that their family had a real feelings at all. All I know is they are the fakest family I know.

I guess this wasnt the right time. I'll just gonna comeback tomorrow night.

The Kingdom Series: A Road To ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now