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[YEAR 2018]


"As he holds the holy properties and is crowned on this holy place, I present to your forward, King Roy II of Jadeite"

*crowds cheering*


*murmur* *murmur*

"Hey Prince Roy... I mean King Roy II.. Congratulations"

"Your Majesty. Congratulations"


*murmur* *murmur*

"I can't believe this moment has finally come. It seems like you were still young, but now. You are the new king of our very own Jadeite. I know you can rule our kingdom very well, right Roy? " - King Roland

"Yes father" - King Roy II

[YEAR 2009]

"Are you waiting for your father to come home? " - grandmother

"He took so long at the castle. He still remember that it's my birthday, right? " - Bellatrix

"Ofcourse, he did. Don't worry. Your father will come anytime. Just wait, okay? " grandma said then we both enter our little house. While I was still looking at that big caste not far away from us.

When we finally enter. Grandma pour an orange juice in a glass and gave it to me.

"Bell, don't worry. Your dad will come. Aren't you gonna eat the cake that I made? You requested us to do it, right? " - grandmother

"I'll eat once dad is here" I answered

"Alright alright. Then just eat if you want, okay? " - grandmother

"Why do father need to serve in the palace? " - Bellatrix

"Because it is needed. Ruled by the great great grandfather of King Roy II this kingdom. One family should have atleast one person to serve in the kingdom. That's why your dad is working there. " - Grandmother

"What will happen if no one serve in the palace in a family" - Bellatrix

"No no... it should. It's a rule so everyone should follow it. " - Grandmother

"If dad didn't work there. They will kill us right? " - Bellatrix

Bellatrix grandmother didn't expect how Bellatrix know that thing.

"Little Bella. Don't worry too much about it, okay? Your father will come any minute now, so just eat there. For sure your father doesnt want you to not eat just because he still aren't home yet. So eat now. " - Grandmother.

Her grandma then serve her a slice of cake in a plate . Young Bellatrix then eat it. But after a few bite. His uncle just barged in their door. Gasping.

"Hey, what happened? Why are you catching your breath? Did you run? " grandma asked Peter. But Peter just look at the young beatrice who was looking at him very curious, waiting for him to answer grandma's question.

"Charlie... Charlie is... D... Dead"  Peter said that made grandma broken the plate that she was holding. But then she realize Bellatrix so she quickly look at Beatrix and comfort her.


"Are you sure you really going to continue what you are doing , uncle? " - Bellatrix

"Bellatrix, your grandmother already told you about this right? " - Peter

"Yeah, but i just hate it. I hate their rules. That freaking rules" - Bellatrix

"We can't do anything about. Once it is a rule, no one can change it except the King" - Peter

"But King Roy II is a new king. And that rule is many years ago. Why didn't he take that away! " - Bellatrix

"Bella... Not every rules can be taken away. Okay? Dont worry. I'll be careful. Also... I have to go now. " - Peter

Yes. Dad was killed 14 years ago. And it is only because he was accused by that freaking King Roland that he steal from the palace. I know dad won't do that. He isn't like that.

Grandma died year 2016 because of illness. And ever since that day, me and uncle is the only remaining in this house. And everytime uncle Peter was in the palace to serve them as the palace warrior. I am lonely. That's why I always went out to explore the kingdom.

There's many workers everywhere, There were kids just playing. People talking. But the things that more interest me is a group of people who were battling in the center. It was a battle for the aspiring knights and warriors. But there were also called rebelled and non-warriors. Rebelled Warriors are the former warriors who decided to choose a different path and just become a warrior that is doing such bad things to the whole kingdom, but Bandits are more worser than them. Non-warriors are the ones who were using swords but isn't trained to be a warrior.

"Hey Belle.. Let's go" - Troy

Gladly I had a friend who were with me everytime. Whenever I was lonely, he came there. I met troy in the street, training swords with some guys. But he isn't training to become a warrior or a knight. Or even to become a rebelled warrior. He just wanted to learn how use swords and any different tools that can be used in wars. But since it was prohibited in the Kingdom. They do that in the hidden place. Troy wasnt a bad guy. He just wanted to train himself to be able to defend himself. His father was also killed by the king in the kingdom. He was accused for doing something bad to the women in the castle. But Troy didn't care about that since his father was really a bad father to him. He always hurts Troy that's why he wanted to learn how to defend himself. Troy has become a really closed friend of mine. At first he was just showing me some moves of using swords and letting me try it. Until I become more and more interested of using and learning it. But whenever uncle was there. I make sure he will not know that I was learning how to use it. I can't let him know it.

I met Troy, year 2017. Year after my grandma died. I was very depressed that time because of the happenings around me. Dad's death. Grandma's death. And the kingdom. Uncle was also serving there which is dangerous. Since then, I really treat the kingdom as a hell palace. It is where most people died. And it's only because that Royal family is killing their people just because of a wrong accused or just a one wrong mistake. I hate every people in the palace. I hate that Royal family.

The Kingdom Series: A Road To ChangeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora