Chapter One

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[Chapter One: The Beginning]

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[Chapter One: The Beginning]

6 years past. I learned too much about swords and the moves. How to play and used words. I also learn other things that can be used in wars. But just something just came in my mind. My heart and mind isn't still okay with it. It is still fresh from me. And I have unpleasantness inside. I wanted to revenge in that Royal family. I don't care what will be the consequences. Even if it causes my life. I don't care. I wanted a revenge for my father and for Troy's father. I'll kill them.


"Hey, you are even better than me now. Ugh... I can't beat you" - Troy

"It is because you aren't practicing that much now. Did you lost interest now? " I said while we are still playing our swords.

"Ofcourse not. It's just, you know. I had been doing this since 2013. So I had been kinda getting bored to it" he said so i put a trick on him and made my sword in his neck

"Hey hey hey, what's that" he said while looking at my sword on his neck

"You said it is getting bored, right? Then let's make it not boring" I said so he put a move on me but gladly I was able to dodge it.

"Hey, be careful. You might hurt each other" - Dew

Dew is Troy's bestfriend ever since. They were together learning since 2013. And I can say the three of us are very closed together. But Dew isn't really interested in swords. He was just doing this for Troy. Dew is really concerned to Troy ever since his dad died and Troy's mom died because of illness year 2012. So as a friend, Dew just support Troy for learning Swords even he knows how dangerous to use and learn how to use swords.


"Hey, is that really your plan? Are you really sure about that? " - Troy

"I'm hundred percent sure. And one can stop me for killing those people. " I answered

"But you know how dangerous it was, right? " - Troy

"I know. And I don't care if it's cause my life. "

"So what's your plan? The first step? " - Troy

"King Roy II will visit here in next days. And that... That when I will start my revenge. "

"You will kill him? But isn't it dangerous? He has many knights and maybe even soldiers around him that day. So I don't think it's a good plan" - Troy

"Ofcourse I won't kill him. I'll kill once it's a right time. But now. I just need to be closer to him" I said then finally stand up.

"Hey, you will need me, and also Dew. You need us. " Troy

"No... This is battle. You shouldn't be involved with this" I said and was about to walk away when Troy spoke again.

"But we are best friends, right? Bestfriend should help each other" I said so i turned to him

"You are my bestfriend, right? So you have to trust me. I can do this alone" I said and was about to walk again when Troy speaks again.

"You promise you won't get yourself into trouble? You promise you'll do this without even hurting yourself? " Troy said that made me turn to him again. I then step closer to him and smiled.

"I will. I'll come together with their heads and I'll do it clean. You just have to trust me" I said.


Few days past, the day when the king visits every place in the whole Kingdom has finally come.

"Hey, i still haven't seen him" Troy said while the three of them are looking at the people.

"Let's go near them" Bellatrix said and walks, so Troy and Dew follows her.

I don't know why there's still many people who were very excited to see him and still likes him despite of the killings of their family on their own citizens and subjects on their Kingdom.

"Hey, is that him?" Dew said then point on their right side. So then the three of them looks at their right side.

That's him. Its my first to see him in person. It's scary how the outer appearance of a person can fool you. He doesn't look like he comes from a family who kills many people. Those innocent look can fool people, but me? No one can fool me. That look will never gonna get me.

The king then looks at her and she just quickly looks away avoiding the King Roy II stare.

Bellatrix then finally get off the crowd and Dew and Troy follows her.

"Hey, where you going? " - Troy

"I'm gonna start my plan now" - Bellatrix

"What? But how? There were too many people" - Troy

"I'll sneek to get into the palace. I'll get into the Royal Car. If i cant go back in the evening. Tell uncle Peter that im just out, okay? " - Bellatrix

"Are you really sure to what you are doing? " - Troy

"Yeah, i am. I just need both of you to cover me to uncle. " - Bellatrix

"Alright, take care. " - Troy

"Take care "- Dew

"Thank you" - Bellatrix

"Also... Don't forget what you promise" - Troy

"Of course" bellatrix answered before slowly getting into her target. Which is to get inside the back of the Royal Car.

No.. I can't hide in the back seat, for sure the king will seat her. Specially on the front seat. Maybe, i'll just stay in the back of the car. But, do i suit there?

Bellatrix then go into the back of the car.

The space is small but maybe i can fit myself.

When Bellatrix heard voice near she quickly hides inside the back of the car.


"Your highness, do you want to take a break now? We've been walking since the morning. Aren't you tired" - Cedric

"Let's roam a little more " - King Roy II

"Do you want me to put your sword in the back of the car. I guess it can help you incase for emergency. But that's too heavy, specially were walking. That might be heavy. Also the knights are here to protect you anyways" Cedric told that's why King Roy II looks at the sword that was hanging on his clothes. He then take it off.

"Alright" he said then gave it to Cedric. Cedric then gave it to Andrew. So Andrew take it then walk towards the car.

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