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  The much-awaited day had finally arrived. The car pulled up to the porch, Ranbir stepped out with is parents and were warmly greeted by Aaryan and Shraddha. They welcomed Ranbir and his family to their home with great enthusiasm. Their friends also gathered to share the joyous occasion. Meena was taken aback by how handsome Ranbir was. They all sat down to meet each other for the first time.

"Namaste", Mr. Sharma greeted the Singhs.

"Namaste ji" they greeted back.

"You have a beautiful house", said Ranbir's mother Rani, as she looked around.

"Thank you", Meena was super excited.

"Dad, Mom, this is Aaryan, Alia's big brother and she is Shraddha, Alia's little sister".

The siblings greeted their guests with folded arms and kindness.

"Your kids are so respectful and well raised. Ranbir hasn't even showed us a photo of her. We are ready to see the girl", Rani couldn't wait anymore.

Shraddha went to the kitchen to get Alia and helped her prepare some tea and sweets. Alia looked absolutely stunning in a plain red saree that perfectly complemented her complexion. Ranbir was charmed by her beauty and his parents were equally impressed. Alia served them and sat between her parents with her siblings. Alia exuded confidence and grace. She was bold and beautiful.

"Namaste Uncle. Namaste Aunty", she said.

"You can call us mom and dad like Ranbir does. I really love you", Rani couldn't stop admiring her.

Ranbir was overjoyed that his parents had no objections to him marrying the love of his life.

"Same office, same friends, what more do you need? Welcome to the family. Let's get them married soon. What say Sharma ji?"

"Of course Dev ji".

Both fathers were thrilled to welcome new members to their families.

"Do you wanna talk?" Meena asked.

They smiled at each other as there was nothing special that needed to be discussed. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming and everyone felt happy to be there to celebrate the union of two families.

"Well then, please have some sweets", Meena distributed it among them.

"Alia, we just want you to be a good wife to our son and a daughter to us. We don't need anything from you or your family. Lets take care and be there for each other".

"Of course I will dad. You don't need to worry about anything. Ranbir and I will take care of everything", Alia assured her to-be father-in-law.

As time passed, the guests rose from their seats and began exploring the house, moving from room to room, engaging in lively conversations and enjoying each other's company. The previously subdued atmosphere gradually gave way to a more festive and convivial mood, as the gathering turned into a bustling get-together. After spending almost two hours at her house, it was time for them to head back home. Their friends also left one after the other. Alia's room was now a cozy place with only her siblings around.

"What a day it was!" Alia played it in her head.

"Few more weeks to go and you'll be someone's wife. New home, new family and new responsibilities. Shraddha can finally take your room", Aaryan gave a high-five to Shraddha, pulling Alia's leg.

"What are you trying to do Aaryan? You want me to be sad? That's never gonna happen because I knew this would happen some day. Even for you it will Shraddha and for your wife Aaryan. If you are a woman, you got to leave your own house".

"Why are you being so serious Alia? I was just joking with you. You really think we won't miss you?" 

"Why would you miss me Aaryan? Ranbir's house is just half an hour away and you do know where our office is. We can meet each other whenever we want. I'm not gonna leave the country, am I?"

"Looks like you will not miss us but we will definitely miss you. You won't understand that anyway. Come Shraddha, let's go to sleep", Aaryan got down and Shraddha followed.

"Aaryan, Shraddha, why are you both leaving? Did I say something wrong? Let's talk and spent some time together", Alia insisted.

"You don't wanna talk to Ranbir?" asked Aaryan.

"Really? Are you serious? I said I wanna spent time with you and Shraddha and not my lover. If you don't wanna be with me then leave and do whatever you want".

"Okay Alia madam, don't be mad at us. We love you okay!"

"I know that and I love you too. Now shut up and sit. Let's watch a movie or something", Alia opened her laptop.

"Yeh Jawaani, Hai Deewani", Aaryan said.

"Zindagi na milegi dobara", Alia said "and what do you wanna watch Shraddha?"

She shrugged her shoulders. Shraddha was not in the mood to watch any movies. She was honestly so bored. Alia closed her laptop.

"What happened Shradds? You okay?" Alia asked.

Shraddha got down from the bed and proceeded to leave when Alia stopped her.

"Shraddha? Don't spoil the happy mood", Alia was irritated.

"I'm sleepy", gestured Shraddha.

"No, you're not. Are you sad because I'll be leaving home soon? Or are you sad because you are single?"

"Alia, what are you asking her? Its not funny", Aaryan said.

"It wasn't a joke. Something is wrong with her and let's sort it out Aaryan".

"Tell us Shraddha, Alia and I will help you out".

Without uttering a single world, Shraddha shut the door, leaving the siblings all by themselves. 

"Maybe she needs some space. Let's watch the movie. Your choice or mine? Toss", Aaryan took out a coin. "Heads I win, Tail you win". He tossed the coin and it landed on tails. "Zindagi na milegi dobara".

Alia turned the movie on in her laptop. Both of them covered themselves up and began watching the movie, while Shraddha was all by herself in her room, not knowing what she was going to do with her life. No job, no lover, no marriage. Just a sad and boring life.

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