Chapter One: A Strange Blue Ring

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Goldman's Deli, Happy Harbor, Rhode Island.

Nick Holmes: Fired? Mr. Goldman, I don't understand...

Nick stared at his boss, who sat at his desk looking completely uncomfortable, even guilty, about his decision.

Mr. Goldman: I know that this must be completely out of the blue for you, kid. And believe me, I don't like this any more than you think.

Mr. Goldman sighed as he proceeded to pull out a manilla folder from his desk drawer and handed it to Nick, who opened it and browsed through its contents.

Mr. Goldman: Nick, you are one of the greatest employees I ever hired. You're smart, a good worker, and you got a heart that's bigger than everyone in this building combined.

Nick slowly turned his head up to the sight of his boss, who he had worked for over four years, in concern.

Nick Holmes: But...

Mr. Goldman: But recently, we've been getting reports of you've been staring off into space, muttering the same strange mumbo-jumbo. It's starting to scare all of us, including me. You mind telling me what that's about, kid? If you do, I'll change my mind about firing you.

Nick sighed as he pinched the temple of his nose in confusion.

Nick Holmes: Honestly, sir, I don't think I can explain it. Those words I've been repeating, I have no idea what they mean, but I have this feeling that they mean something. I just don't know what that something is.

Mr. Goldman sighed as he gave his employee a concerned gaze.

Mr. Goldman: Nick, I know that you're going through a lot right now as it is. First, the freak accident that left your brother in a wheelchair, now this.

Nick Holmes: Yeah. Not entirely sure how being fired helps make anything better for anyone, but who am I to talk?

Mr. Goldman: Nick...

The blond held up his hand as he stood up with a reassuring smile on his face.

Nick Holmes: It's alright, sir. I understand. Besides, you know, I think it might be time for a change. Maybe it's time for me to move on.

Goldman sighed as he proceeded to shake the young man's extended hand with a smile on his face.

Mr. Goldman: I'm going to miss you, kid. You and that stupid optimism of yours.

Nick Holmes: Hey, it's not stupid to have hope...

As the two men released each other's hands, Nick handed the folder back to the middle aged man and proceeded to hand over his work shirt and employee tag.

Nick Holmes: I believe that one day, things will get better for all of us, and—

Mr. Goldman: —"All will be well". I know! Seriously, Nick, I can't seem to watch you go one day without saying that damn catchphrase of yours.

Nick Holmes: What can I say? It makes me feel hopeful.

Mr. Goldman: I'll be sure to mail you your last paycheck, kid.

Nick smiled as he proceeded to make his way to the door.

Nick Holmes: Thanks, Mr. Goldman, for everything.

And with that, the young man proceeded to exit the office for the last time and sighed as he closed the door behind him. Nick knew that this wasn't just the end, it was also the beginning of a new chapter in his life. A chapter that will forever change him.


Deep in space, three aliens gathered in front of the Blue Central Power Battery, where one of them was looking rather cheerful than the others.

For Hope Burns Bright: A Blue Lantern StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя