Metropolitan Avenue and Grand Street Subway Station Men's Room

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I remember the summer of 1981; I was a young man on my way home from work and I just got paid that Saturday night. I took the GG train (now G train) to Metropolitan Avenue, where I had to switch to the LL train (now L train) to get back to Brownsville. Don't ask me why I chose the GG train. As I was transferring, I saw that the men's room was open and I decided to use it. I pushed the heavy door and walked in, only to find that the restroom looked like some scene out of a gay movie. The public toilets had low partitions and no doors, leaving nothing to the imagination. There was a skinny guy in the last booth, staring at the entrance, another guy standing right in front of the open stalls, and a chubby fellow was seated on the toilet with his pants down inside the first booth. I just went into the restroom to urinate. The restroom was dirty and unsanitary, and I laughed after I exited the restroom. I quickly left and continued my journey home. It was a weird experience. Years later, the strange restroom would be gone after the station renovation.

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