Chapter 19: Love Troubles

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This is uncomfortable, and I don't even know why.

For some reason, Horikita insisted after class that we should go to the special building to check.

Quite useless in my opinion because I already have all the details sorted out and a plan made... I just need Honami to notify me of when the meeting will be and finish convincing Sakura to buy time.

Since I told Suzune about her brother asking me to take charge, she's been acting predictably strange.

She wants to solve the case while she plays Sherlock, and I play Watson, even giving me orders. It was fun at first, but now...

Suzu: "Edogawa-Kun, there's nothing useful, let's go now." *She says and starts to leave immediately*

Maybe I should give her the chance to come up with a plan.

Ranpo: "Suzune, are you sure?"

She looks at me coldly and says, "Yes, I checked the whole place, and there's nothing."

*I sigh with disappointment, put a lollipop in my mouth, and point dramatically* "WRONG!! There's something very important that you didn't notice~"

*She rolls her eyes* "Seriously? Explain, then..." *She sounds very doubtful and a bit annoyed.*

*I laugh, adjusting my glasses* "Simple... the cameras!"

*She looks even more annoyed* "What are you talking about? There are no cameras."

Ranpo: "Exactly, silly, there are no cameras!"

It seems like she understood, and something crossed her mind, but she still gave a look that showed her intention to cause harm, so I ran as far as I could.

The next day, I received a strange message.

(Honami: Ranpo-Kun, can we talk after school... It's important.)

For Honami, there are two types of important things she would call me for.

It could be that she calls me early, saying she needs me to help with something "important" or "urgent," but it ends up being that there's a cockroach in her bathroom or something of that level.

Or maybe she calls me on the verge of tears because some friends invited her to do something, and she said "no," which in her mind turns her into a ruthless monster.

Both things are equally annoying and a total waste of time.

So, what options do I have?

Help or sleep?

Be happy or make her happy?

(Ranpo: Is it really important?)

(Honami: Yes, very important)

(Ranpo: See you behind the gym)

(Honami: 👍)

Ichinose: "Ah, Ranpo-kun. Over here, over here!"

Ranpo: "So, what do you want?"

I followed Ichinose to the other side of the building. We reached a spot just behind the gym. This seemed like the kind of place where someone confesses their feelings. But I don't see that intention here... The question is, what does she want?

Ichinose: "Well..." *Ichinose took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes* "I think..." *She gathered all the courage she could while closing her eyes* "I think someone-"

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