Chapter 17: Neighbor Troubles

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The mornings in Class D always carried a lively atmosphere, characterized by the lack of academic interest from most students. However, on this particular day, the excitement reached higher decibels than usual. The reason was clear: we were about to earn points for the first time since our arrival at the school.

Chabashira-sensei, the teacher of Class D, entered the classroom just as the bell for the start of classes rang.

Sae: "Good morning, everyone. You seem more restless than usual today."

Ike: "Sae-chan-sensei! We have points!!" Ike, one of the more enthusiastic students, exclaimed.

Sae: "Oh, so that's why you're so happy?"

Ike: "We worked ourselves to death last month and passed the exam!" Ike added with excitement.

Chabashira-sensei urged caution:

Sae: "Don't jump to conclusions. Listen to what I have to say first. You're right, Ike. All of you have worked harder than ever. I acknowledge that. Naturally, the school understands very well how you all feel."

After the brief reprimand, Ike closed his mouth and sat, eager to hear the news.

Sae: "So, well. Without further ado, here are this month's total points."

Chabashira-sensei placed a paper on the chalkboard detailing the points, starting with Class A at the top. Excluding Class D, all the other classes showed an increase of almost 100 points compared to the previous month. Class A now had 1004 points, slightly above the starting point for everyone when they entered the school.

Horikita: "This isn't good. Have they found a way to increase their total score?"

Ranpo: "Hmm, that's quite an obvious thing to point out."

My neighbors, Horikita Suzune and Ayanokoji, focused their attention solely on the other classes. However, Ike and most of the Class D students were not very concerned about the points of the other classes. What truly mattered to them was written next to Class D: our total points, which stood at 92.

Ike: "Yahoo! 92 points!" Ike exclaimed, jumping excitedly the moment he saw our score. Most looked at him as if he were oblivious.

But beyond the euphoria of Class D, something more concerning was happening. Class B had not received their assigned points.

I could deduce what had happened, but I preferred to confirm it directly with Ichinose.

Immediately after classes, I stood up and headed to the club office. Assuming the rest of the group should arrive shortly, I simply entered and reclined on the desk.


Nobody... Not even a single person.

"Ah, such a desolate morning..."

Ranpo murmurs quietly to himself as he looks around the room from his office, expecting to see a familiar friend to banter with. After realizing the room is indeed empty, he confidently places his hands on his hips.

"Hmhm, perhaps now is the time to dedicate myself to solo detective work!"

Ranpo says to himself in an overly cheerful tone before putting on his characteristic glasses and leaning back in his chair.

"Hmhm, Ryuen Kakeru, hmm hmhm."

Ranpo says, pulling out a file as he looks at the ceiling. After flipping through some pages, he finds the section labeled "Students 1-C," skimming through a few pages until he reaches Kakeru's page.

"Hmhm, aha! Interesting."

Ranpo says as he marks the pages with a few notes.

Knock, knock.

"Mmm, Horikita-kun! Please, please come in!"

Ranpo says as he puts away the notebook and takes off his glasses. A bright smile spreads across his face as Horikita Manabu enters the room, maintaining his serious demeanor with papers in hand, while Ranpo makes room by moving to the side of his desk.

Ranpo: "What do you need me for this time, Horikita-kun? Let me guess, a Class B student beat up two Class C students, conveniently in a place without cameras?"

Ranpo asks, leaning forward in his chair, hands resting on his knees.

Manabu: "I'm not even surprised anymore."

He sighs resignedly and sits in the chair across from me.

Manabu: "So, what's your opinion?"

I just laugh in his face.

Ranpo: "The obvious, it's a plan by Class C."

Manabu: "I see..." He takes a moment of pause. "Edogawa-Kun... do you know how to play chess?"

Ranpo: "A war game for people who think they're too smart for this world. Am I right?"

Ranpo says with a mocking laugh as Manabu raises his eyebrows with some surprise.

"It's one of my other favorite hobbies. I love making people angry by making them lose without even trying."



"You're terrifying."

"That's right."

Ranpo says with a mocking smile as he pats himself on the back.

"I have an IQ that Sidis himself would envy! I can see a move that no one else can, even 100 moves into the future."

"I believe you."

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