Chapter 7: Pool - Part 2 / Mission - Create the Detective Club - Completed!!

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Kushida: "Horikita-san, are you good at swimming?"

Horikita: "Not particularly, neither good nor bad."

Kushida: "In junior high, I was really bad at swimming. I practiced really hard, and now I'm much better!"

Horikita: "I see."

Kushida's way of showing her hatred is very strange, and it also clearly reveals that there is a hidden connection between her and Horikita... It seems that Kushida remembers her from somewhere. School? Club? It has to be a place where there's a possibility that Horikita knows the other side of Kushida. I've got a line here:

1. Kushida makes a mistake that exposes her true personality (possibly during junior high school).
2. Horikita probably went to school with Kushida, so there's a possibility she has information.
3. Kushida, fearing the leak of information, tries to maintain her good side until she knows how much Horikita knows.

For now, it's no use speculating further.

— "Alright, everyone, gather around."

A teacher gathered the students and started the class.

— "I see, 26 people. I was expecting more, but I guess this will do. It's a bit sudden, but I'll assess your abilities after you've finished warming up. You'll swim."

— "Um, sensei, I can't swim." *A boy raised his hand, apologizing.*

— "As a teacher, I'll make sure you learn to swim by the summer. Don't worry."

— "There's no need to learn to swim. We can't go to the beach anyway."

— "That's too bad. Regardless of whether you're bad at swimming now, I'll make sure everyone learns. Learning to swim will undoubtedly be useful. I guarantee it."

Ranpo: "Sensei, what do you mean by 'it will be useful'? Is there going to be a situation where we need to know how to swim? Like going to the beach? Or a cruise?"

Imperceptibly to the students, the teacher shuddered slightly when Ranpo mentioned "cruise."

— "Start warming up!"

Everyone began their warm-up exercises. Ike kept looking repeatedly at the girls. Then, they were given instructions to start the 50m swim. Students who couldn't swim were allowed to touch the bottom of the pool with their feet.

As for me, I swam slowly and calmly, with no hurry, and ended up being one of the last.

Ike: "Hehehe, a complete victory. Did you see? My super swimming!"

Ranpo: "Eh? *He looks at Ike again* Ike, don't you care that you came in last?"

Ike: "I-I-I don't know what you're talking about."

— "Anyway, it seems like almost everyone can swim."

Ike: "I'm sorry, Sensei. After all, in junior high, they called me the Flying Fish."

— "I see. Then you can immediately start competing against each other. 50m freestyle, separate by gender."

Ike: "C-Compete!? Really?"

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