Chapter 13: Ranpo-Sensei? / Kushida's Mistake

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I'm back!!! I was gone for 3 weeks and Ayanokoji's harem has grown even more... to the point where Cote's genre should be changed to Harem.😑

Not much time had passed since the meeting, and Ranpo could easily predict Ayanokoji's failure. So, "kindly" , he asked Kushida to help him, while he himself headed to their meeting place, a karaoke bar.

Upon arriving, the three girls turned to greet him, probably expecting him to bring prepared books. But when they saw him, their faces became as expressionless as Ayanokoji's 😑.

However, he skillfully ignores them and opens his backpack under the watchful gaze of the girls. It is clear that Kei is much more withdrawn than her usual self. From his bag, he takes out... 4 lollipops. The girls' faces light up, thinking that Ranpo is apologizing with this gesture. But he...

Throws all 4 lollipops directly into his mouth and chews them loudly.

Kei: "Hey, give those back!" Kei walks towards Ranpo and takes the 4 candies from his mouth. She stares at him with annoyance as she removes the sweets. "What kind of immature child are you? How old are you anyway? I thought this school only accepts students over fifteen years old..." Kei asks Ranpo in a frustrated manner.

Ranpo: "H-hehe... But I j-ju-" Edogawa is cut off by Kei, who takes the candies from his mouth. She seems angry. Ranpo finds himself in a bad position. He looks somewhat bitter towards Kei but decides not to argue. "L-Let me have one... Could I at least have one for myself?" Ranpo's voice sounds somewhat pleading.

Seeing Ranpo's sad face, Kei lets her guard down for a few seconds, which Ranpo takes advantage of by stealing all the lollipops. He swallows them in less than a second and spits the sticks onto the table.

Kei: "Didn't your parents teach you about table manners? Such greedy behavior is unacceptable for a student in this prestigious school, you know?" Kei questions Ranpo while looking at him disdainfully, feeling disgusted by his actions.

Ranpo smiles, without a trace of remorse on his face.

Ranpo: "Pfft! Hahaha! Oh, Kei! Don't make me laugh like this! I just want to eat whatever I want! I can't believe you're telling me not to be greedy!" Ranpo's voice sounds somewhat cynical. "Don't tell me what to do. I'm not a child for you to order around."

Matsushita, who had been silent during the situation, decided that enough was enough and changed the subject.

Chiaki: "Ahem... Edogawa-kun, what did you think of helping us pass?"

At that moment, Satou remembered the reason they were there, and his face turned fearful as he banged his head on the table.

Satou: "Aghhhh, I don't want to study..."

Just then, the phones of the three girls rang, causing them to stop. They grabbed their phones, and their faces turned to complete surprise.

Kei: "Wha-what is this?"

Satou: "These are..."

Chiaki: "Last year's exams?"

Ranpo stands up, comically showing a thumbs-up. "Exactly, and I verified it through some sources. They're exactly the same every year."

Satou jumps with excitement and shouts, while Kei looks at Ranpo with excitement. "With this, the whole class will be able to pass! It's incredible!"

But Ranpo shakes his head. "If the class gets the answers, everyone will stop studying, and it's counterproductive for the class."

Satou stops celebrating and asks, "But then... why are you giving them to us?"


"Because teaching is boring."


If you're wondering how he got the questions, it was simple.

He approached a senpai.

To tell some painful truths.




A few days later, in the evening while I was lying down sleeping, someone knocked forcefully on my door. I calmly opened the door, but as soon as I removed the latch, the door swung open violently, and a desperate Kushida entered.

Ranpo: "What the hell is wrong with you?! Let me guess... ummm... Now Ayanokoji knows your true personality, right?"

Kushida swallowed hard. "Y-you're right, it's true. You've caught me."

Ranpo smiles and crosses his legs, but his gaze is much more serious.

Ranpo: "I suspected as much, but it's not important. The poker face has no interest in you. I genuinely believe his only interest is to have a peaceful life." Ranpo puts a finger on his chin, with a pensive look. "And even if he tries something, I don't think he can do anything. At best, he's just average."

Kushida maintained an expressionless face, but she seemed slightly more relieved, which allowed me to see how stupid she is. I'm not 100% sure yet, but Ayanokoji is probably the third smartest person I know.

(Ranpo still doesn't know Fyodor, and in the series, it is shown that Ranpo considers himself more intelligent than Dazai, so in his mind, the scale is like this: Ranpo >= Dazai >>>>> Ayanokoji)

But that's not as surprising as his physique. Everything about him suggests that he underwent brutal training.

Getting back to the point... If at any point he decides that Kushida is a nuisance, it's all over for her.

(Which won't happen because in the latest volumes, Kushida has become part of the harem... 😑)

Any questions or recommendations?

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