Chapter 16: End of Volume 1

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Sae: "No absences; It seems like everyone is here."

In the morning, Sae-sensei entered the classroom with a smile, excited?

Sae: "This is the first hurdle to remain in school. Does anyone have any questions?"

Hirata: "We've been studying diligently for the past few weeks. I don't think anyone will fail in this class, you know?"

Sae: "You're quite confident, Hirata."

All the students also had a confident look. Arranging the exams by tapping them against the desk, she passed them. Honestly, this entire exam is nothing more than a waste of time in every sense.

Sae: "If no one fails in this midterm and the finals in July, everyone will have summer vacations."


Sae: "Yes, that's right... You'll be on a dream vacation on an island surrounded by the blue sea."

*(In a special chapter of the Chibi anime, Ranpo is seen excited about swimming, but I'm not sure if it's canon.)

-"What is this strange pressure?"

Chabashira-sensei took a step back from the pressure she felt from the students (mainly the boys).

Ike: "Guys... Let's do our best!"

-"Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

I'm sure I would be shouting along with them if it weren't for the special exam. Although, knowing this school and its ideals of freedom, I can probably leave whenever I want.

But I have to highlight something surprising, and that is... Ayanokoji shouting "excited" about going to the beach without changing his expression for a second.

Horikita: "Pervert." *Horikita glares at Koji.*

In a short time, the exam was distributed to everyone. And with the teacher's signal, everyone started at the same time. Without wasting time, I simply wrote down all the answers, which, I should clarify, are exactly the same as the sheets I obtained.

Part of me expects everyone to get good grades, but I doubt it. That's why I already bought a point in Sudou's English and math exams, considering those are his weakest subjects.

Although saying I "bought" is an exaggeration. I only used my unlimited points fund called 2-D/2-C. I also have to clarify that it wasn't a selfless act of goodwill towards Sudou; I just want to expedite my encounter with the blond with Roman emperor airs.

Even Manabu himself seems worried about his influence, which is embarrassing.

In the middle of the exam, I felt a cold gaze from behind, and I can deduce that the Brocon Empress detected my insult.

Ranpo finishes each exam in less than 10 minutes and then spends the rest of the hour sleeping. At the end of the last exam of the day, he immediately stands up and starts to leave. Teacher Hoshinomiya stands in his way, stopping him.

Chie: "Ranpo-kun... Where do you think you're going? There are still 40 minutes left to finish the exam."

Ranpo: *Shrugs, with a smile* "I've already finished, Sensei. The exam was easy, so I'm done. There was no reason to stay. Do I have to stay here to kill time? I've already finished, so I thought I could do something more useful."

By the time my classmates left, I was already lying on a chair in the cafeteria. There's not much to do now. I've already anticipated the major problems in the class in the short term, but that only increased my dilemma.

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