if you come back, i'll be right there everytime

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"Oh and I forgot to mention that Kai bought me the most gorgeous flowers. Look! " Sunoo gushes as he holds out his phone to show Riki and Jungwon the picture.

They're at a cafe in the older boys' town, simply enjoying some desserts and drinks and chatting about various topics. Riki is really happy for his friend; he's glad that Sunoo finally got his first date with Kai on the same day that they were all finally freed from the clutches of school and summer has officially begun. Sunoo basically fled home after they all got their report cards to get ready but he facetimed Jungwon and Riki for help later to help him pick out an outfit which they of course, gladly obliged.

However, he's had to try and keep himself from zoning out many times as Sunoo tells his story of his date from almost a week ago, his mind continuously drifting back to Sunghoon and their last conversation some days ago, if Riki can even call it that. They haven't spoken since and it feels almost like Sunghoon is avoiding him again even though he's been at school and been hanging around all of them. Glares and words of animosity were no longer thrown Riki's way from the figure skater but neither were anything else; it almost felt like Sunghoon's just completely iced him out.

"Riki? Riki-yah..." Jungwon's voice calls to him, a hand waving in front of Riki's face snapping him back into reality and causing him to shoot Sunoo an apologetic glance.

"Oh, shit. Sorry guys." Riki says before looking at the picture Sunoo still has up, "Those are really pretty flowers, Kai has good taste." Riki tells his friend with a smile, not wanting to hurt Sunoo's feelings by making him think he's not really listening.

"Still thinking about Sunghoon?" The oldest of the three asks, giving Riki a knowing and sympathetic look.

Strangely enough, Sunghoon came to him and Jungwon explaining what's been going on with him and their hearts ached in empathy for their dearest friend. They've known he has been going through so much since he lost his dad but they really didn't know the extent, nor that Sunghoon felt almost like he couldn't talk about it. They always want their friend to feel safe to share his feelings with them and they hate that he's been keeping so much in because he was hurting.

Of course they still told him his actions towards Riki were unacceptable and it's still up to the youngest to forgive him, but now they understand why Sunghoon acted the way that he did. They both have half a temptation to tell Riki so the bright boy wouldn't look so down; he's obviously trying to keep a brave face with them a lot of the time but they know he's still hurting and his mind drifts to Sunghoon more often than not although it's clear he's trying to take his mind off of it.

But they both know it's Sunghoon's words and feelings to share and not theirs despite how much it pains them to see Riki so down and unlike the really bright, energetic and outgoing yet still introverted spirit they met those months ago. Riki really came out of the shell he was initially tucked away into when they met, yet now it feels a little bit like he's retreated back into it again which sadly makes sense to them considering Sunghoon was who really got him to initially break out of it by showing a genuine interest in getting close to him.

They didn't want to rush Sunghoon but dear lord, it's been more than a week now and it's about time they talk.

Sunoo and Jungwon shared a look with one another and they could tell that they were both thinking the same thing : Why don't they give them a little push?

Sunoo quickly switches to his messaging app and sends a text before quickly receiving a reply which makes him smirk slightly to himself before he directs Jungwon a discreet look. They've officially got a little plan in action.


"Well, Ki, we have to head out," Sunoo says as he and Jungwon get up from their seats.

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