white roses

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"Sir, you don't understand! Riki is a vampire!" Iseul sighs exasperatedly to the principal.

After Riki called his dad, the man rushed to the school and Iseul, Jaemin and Gunwoo went to Principal Kang and the boys claimed that Riki assaulted them in a classroom which resulted in the man calling the bullies' parents. The story is completely the other way around but the three asshole's parents are livid and stating that Riki should be expelled for laying his hands on their hell-spawned children.

Their parents also just so happen to be big donors to the school and basically keep it running so Riki really wouldn't be surprised if Principal Kang listens to them, especially considering past incidents where Iseul and his sidekicks got other students punished.

Luckily for Riki though, none of the adults really seem to be buying the vampire story the three boys are trying to sell although the bullies are insistent.

"Stop telling lies about my son." Riki's dad, Arisu, tells the boys sharply.

He hasn't spoken much since he arrived and has barely spared Riki a glance which only makes his skin crawl in fear that his dad was way angrier at him than he's trying to let on.

"We're not lying!" Jaemin argues as he glances from Riki's dad to the principal, "Riki basically threw us all across the room with inhuman strength and fangs came out of his mouth."

"You all attacked me!" Riki snaps back, "You pulled me into a classroom and cornered me with some bullshit conspiracy theory!"

"Language, Mr. Nishimura." The principal scolds him which Riki only rolls his eyes at in response.

"Our sons would not do what you're claiming. They wouldn't attack anyone unprovoked so clearly, you are lying. Even if I don't buy the whole vampire bit, I do buy that you're not fit to be a member of this school since you're so dangerous and unstable." Iseul's mother's screechy voice tells Riki.

"Don't you dare speak to my son that way." Arisu all but growls at the woman, "Your little demon child is clearly the problem here but you're far too blind to see that. Riki has absolutely no disciplinary action on his record nor a history of violence but I've heard several complaints about your sons which you all pay to have swept under the rug. Everyone in this community knows that those little, good-for-nothing brats are nothing but bullies who have gone after my boy for god knows what reason."

"You have no idea what you are talking about." Jaemin's father snarls back at Riki's own dad.

"I know very well what I'm talking about." Riki's dad responds coldly before turning to glare at the principal, "And so does Principal Kang here but since he's far too much of a coward to actually do anything since you all pay his salary, I'm sure he will only look to punish my boy for no reason."

Principal Kang's jaw sets with tension as a bead of sweat trickles down his forehead, completely called out by Riki's father but Riki knows that the man will deny it; he is a coward after all.

"Mr. Nishimura, your comments are highly inappropriate and I'm starting to see where your son's instability comes from," the man states condescendingly as he glares at the two Japanese males sitting in front of him.

"The word is three against one and I'm going to believe the majority here. Riki clearly attacked these boys since they have the bruises to prove it and your son shows absolutely no signs of harm. And since we have no witnesses and it's only Mr. Nishimura's word against theirs, I believe suspension is in order and I think there should even be a discussion of expulsion." Principal Kang spits venomously and Riki notices how the bullies and their parents victoriously smirk.

"We'll ensure it is an expulsion. This boy is clearly a danger to all the students here if he can just snap at the drop of a hat like he did today." Iseul's mother mutters.

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