i'd be more crimson than i've ever been

188 9 24

the seven layers of hell

hoon-hyung <3
Hey Ki, we're outside.

omw out hyungie :)

Riki pockets his phone and wallet before heading downstairs. He got up weirdly early, especially considering it was the weekend but he surmises that it was just because he is really excited about spending the day with the guys. His mom was more than happy to let him go out but his dad was another story— the man is still quite guarded about Riki's friends, especially since he doesn't know half of them but after some assurance from both Riki and his mom he finally gave in.

"Mama, papa, I'm leaving!" Riki calls out to his parents as he reaches the ground floor.

He hears small footfalls coming from the living room as he heads over to the entry hallway to grab his shoes.

"Have fun sweetheart," His mom tells him sweetly, an encouraging smile on her face when she appears from the living room.

"Be safe, Riki." His dad tells him, his tone far more worried and stern-sounding.

"I always am dad." Riki responds, both to reassure the man and because it was the truth; he was always careful.

"I'll see you guys later," Riki waves as he opens the front door.

"Bye honey!"

"Bye little one."

"Bye guys, love you both." The teen says before shutting the front door and locking it behind him.

He turns around to see Sunghoon's ever-familiar car outside the gate, all of the guys smiling at him through the windows as he approaches.

"Hey Ki," Sunghoon waves as the youngest shuts the gate behind himself.

"Hey guys," Riki greets as he steps out to the car and climbs into the passenger seat.

"Are you excited?" Sunghoon asks him with a smile as they drive off.

"He better be since you banned all of us from the front seat," Jake rolls his eyes jokingly from where he's crammed into the back with the other four guys which Riki knows definitely cannot be comfortable (and probably not legal).

"It's not my fault that I'm his favorite." Riki states just to tease the others but he notices how Sunghoon gives him a brief proud smirk before he gently squeezes Riki's thigh which makes the boy jolt slightly before warmth fills him at the contact and he places his hand over the older boy's pale one.

"You guys just aren't Riki. I didn't make the rules, I just play by them," Sunghoon adds in with a faux innocent shrug.

Sunoo scoffs before exaggeratedly rolling his eyes, "After all we've done for you, you replace us so easily. We're hurt, Sunghoon-hyung, truly heartbroken."

Sunghoon sighs, the sound as fond as ever as he briefly glances back at everyone in the rearview, "You guys know I could never replace you; as annoying as all of you are, I still love you guys."

"Aww he's so soft for you guys." Riki coos in a stage whisper.

Jay snickers quietly, "He isn't as cold as he seems despite us always calling him an ice-prince."

" 'Ice prince' huh?" Riki asks, never having heard the others refer to Sunghoon with that nickname; yet it sounds very fitting. Sunghoon really does remind him of a prince with how graceful and composed he is almost all the time and his clear love for figure skating definitely deems the name fitting.

"Yep. It suits him, don't you think?" Heeseung asks the youngest.

"Definitely." Riki agrees as he glances at Sunghoon who has an amused smile on his face as he drives; making his side profile just that much more beautiful to admire.

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