felt like a baby: the sturniolo triplets

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Chris is a little sensitive this video

Word count: 516

No ones pov:

One cool night, the triplets gathered in their kitchen, accompanied by their best friend, Nate. They had decided to film a dare video, where they would spin a wheel full of punishments and challenge each other. Excitement filled the air as they set up their cameras and prepared for a day of laughter and fun.

As the wheel spun, the anticipation grew. Round and round it went until it finally landed on Chris's dare. The words "Eat the hottest pepper in the world" flashed before his eyes, instantly making his heart race with both excitement and fear.

Chris took a deep breath, looking at his brothers and Nate. "I can do this, right?"

Nick smiled and nodded. "Of course you
can, Chris. We believe in you."

Matt chimed in, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
"Come on, Chris!"

Nate, always the voice of reason, stepped closer to Chris. "Remember, it's just a challenge."

Putting on a brave face, Chris picked up the pepper and took a bite. Instantly, his mouth erupted in flames, causing his eyes to well up with tears.

Chris tried to hide his pain, but it soon became unbearable. Tears started to stream down his face, and he couldn't help but whimper. "I-I think I bit off m-more than I could chew..."

Nate quickly rushed over and enveloped him in a comforting embrace. "It's okay, buddy," Nate reassured him. "You're incredible brave for doing this. Let it out if you need to."

Moved by Nate's kindness, Matt quickly turned off the cameras, not wanting to capture his brother's pain for the world to see. Meanwhile, Nick, always considerate and caring, fetched a glass of water for Chris.

Sipping the water helped soothe the fiery sensation in Chriss mouth, but he couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by the intensity of the challenge. Feeling exhausted, he nestled his head into Nick's chest, seeking comfort in his big brother's embrace.

Recognizing Chris's need for solace, Nick gently stroked his younger brother's hair. "It's alright, Chris. Everyone has moments of vulnerability. You're not alone, and we're here for you, no matter what."

Feeling safe and loved, Chris's eyelids grew heavy, and he soon drifted off to sleep. Nick, being the thoughtful older brother, scooped Chris up in his arms and gently carried him to his room, tucking him in like a delicate treasure.

Nate and Matt joined them in the room, pulling up chairs beside Chris's bed. Nate spoke softly, "Chris, you showed incredible strength today. We're proud of you, buddy."

Matt chipped in, his tone filled with admiration. "Yeah, Chris. You may be the youngest, but you proved you're just as brave as us."

Chris, half-asleep, mumbled, "Thanks, guys. I love you all."

They all exchanged smiles and settled down for the night, knowing that tomorrow would bring another adventure, another dare, and more memories to cherish for a lifetime. Their bond, fortified by love, would always guide them through any challenge that came their way.

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