teddy bear love: obx

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JJ is high and he loves his teddy bear

Word count: 561

No one's POV:

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It was a lazy summer afternoon on the Outer Banks, and JJ Maybank and his friends Kiara, Pope, Cleo, Sarah, and John B had decided to spend the day at the Pogues' hangout spot—John B's house. They were enjoying each other's company, laughing and sharing stories, when suddenly, JJ found himself in an unexpected and unusual state.

JJ had consumed a little more than he could handle, and the drugs he had taken caused him to regress in age. In his altered state, he experienced an overwhelming desire to act and be treated like a child. He found himself thrust into a vulnerable position, unsure of what to do next.

Noticing JJ's unusual behavior, JJ was sucking his thumb. John B's heart ached for his friend. Without hesitation, he gently pulled JJ into his lap, rocking him back and forth comfortingly. Kiara, Sarah, Cleo, and Pope quickly came to their friend's side, concern etched on their faces.

Seeing JJ's distress, Pope rushed to find his little teddy bear, knowing how much comfort it brought him in times of anxiety. "Here, JJ," Pope said, handing him the beloved stuffed animal. "Your Teddy is here to keep you company."

JJ's face lit up with childlike joy as he took the teddy bear into his arms, clutching it tightly. "Teddy!" he exclaimed, his words slurred from the effects of the drugs. "He's my bestest friend in the world!"

With a warming smile, John B gently carried JJ to his room. Laying out a fresh set of clothes, he carefully undressed JJ and replaced his clothing with a comfortable, soft diaper. John B remained patient and loving throughout the process, soothing JJ with his soft, reassuring words.

"Now, buddy," John B said, lifting JJ into his arms once again, "let's go back to our friends. They've been missing you."

JJ happily cooed, sucking on his thumb like an innocent child, content with the love and care he was receiving. As they returned to the living room, laughter and happiness filled the air.

"Teddy is so soft," JJ babbled excitedly, bouncing in John B's arms. "And my pjs feels all comfy! Look, everyone!" He proudly lifted his thumb, showing it to his friends. "I'm such a big boy!"

Kiara, Sarah, Cleo, and Pope all beamed at JJ's innocence and joy. They surrounded him, showering him with affection and adoration, happy to see him so carefree and childlike.

"You're the cutest little baby," Sarah cooed, pinching JJ's cheek gently.

"We love you, JJ," Pope said, as he hugged him close.

JJ giggled, oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. In his childlike state, he was free from the worries that weighed heavily on his shoulders.

As the evening turned into night, the friends continued to spend time together, cherishing each other's presence and appreciating the simple joys of the moment. It was a bonding experience like no other—the Pogues, united in love and acceptance, proving that their friendship could withstand any challenge, even an unexpected age regression.

And so, that unforgettable day on the Outer Banks became an extraordinary memory etched in their hearts—a testament to the strength of their friendship, built on understanding, compassion, and the genuine love they shared for one another, no matter the circumstances.

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