Stuck: criminal minds

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Spencer hates elevators and he is a little cg derek

Word count:

No ones pov:


The team had been on a difficult case that required them to split up and investigate different lead locations. Unfortunately, this meant that Dr. Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan found themselves alone in an elevator in an unfamiliar building. As the elevator descended, they felt a jolt, and suddenly, it came to a screeching halt.

Spencer's heart rate quickened, and his hands trembled slightly. "Oh no, oh no," he muttered under his breath, his voice wavering with panic.

Derek, knowing Spencer's struggles with anxiety, decided to lighten the mood a bit. He leaned against the wall and grinned mischievously. "So, Reid, you ever been stuck in an elevator before?"

"N-n-no," Spencer stammered, his voice barely audible. "But I-I'm not sure this is the best time for jokes, Derek."

Derek couldn't help himself; he decided to push some random buttons on the elevator's control panel, causing it to jerk violently. Spencer clung to the railing, his eyes widening in terror.

"Derek!" Spencer cried out, his voice a mix of fear and frustration. "What are you doing? We could get hurt!"

But before Derek could react, the elevator suddenly dropped. A surge of panic welled up inside Spencer, and he began to hyperventilate. Tears welled up in his eyes as he curled up in the corner, trying to make himself as small as possible.

Realizing the severity of the situation, Derek quickly pulled the emergency alarm, hoping it would bring help soon. But as Spencer's voice cracked and went high-pitched, he screamed out desperately, "H-Hotch! Hotch, help!"

Minutes later, the doors creaked open, revealing Hotch standing there with a concerned look on his face. Derek stumbled out, feeling guilty for the prank gone wrong. He turned to see Spencer frozen, trembling and looking utterly terrified.

Rushing to his side, Derek gently pulled Spencer out of the elevator, cradling him in his arms to shield him from prying eyes. He knew Spencer wouldn't want Hotch to see the accident he had in his state of distress.

Hotch, sensing something was wrong, asked softly, "Spencer, are you okay?"

Spencer, still shaking a little, didn't meet Hotch's eyes. "I-I-I otay ," he stuttered, his voice barely audible.

Understanding the situation, Hotch nodded and said, "Alright, just let me know if you need anything. We can't have our genius profiler being unwell can we."

Derek nodded at Hotch gratefully as Hotch disappeared down the hallway. He took Spencer to the nearest bathroom, his trusty satchel bag slung over his shoulder, and helped him clean up.

Spencer, mortified by the accident, tried to hide his face, but Derek's soothing words and gentle touches slowly calmed him down. With patience, Derek helped him change into a fresh pair of pants and led him to a secluded spot.

Derek settled down, his back against the wall, with Spencer in his arms. He wrapped a warm blanket around them, holding Spencer gently yet firmly. With each passing moment, Spencer slowly relaxed, his breathing becoming steady.

Feeling safe and secure, Spencer eventually succumbed to exhaustion. Nestled in Derek's embrace, he fell asleep, his mind finally quiet and at ease.

As the day turned into night, Derek continued to hold Spencer protectively, determined to keep him safe until they were rescued from their temporary prison.


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