a night of unexpected surprises: obx

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John B as a little accident but pope and jj help him get cleaned up and comfortable again

Word count: 553

No one's POV:

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John B yawned, his eyelids growing heavy as the boat gently rocked beneath him. He had been looking forward to this beach trip with his closest friends for weeks now, but exhaustion from the previous night left him feeling more tired than ever. He rubbed his eyes, struggling to keep them open.

Kiara, Cleo, and Sarah giggled nearby, completely unaware of John B's internal battle to stay awake. Pope and JJ, however, had noticed his struggle and exchanged concerned glances. Determined to help their tired friend, JJ tapped John B on the shoulder and pointed to his pants discreetly.

John B, following JJ's gaze, looked down and gasped in disbelief. His tiredness had caused him to lose control and wet himself. Mortified, tears welled up in his eyes, and he felt his heart racing. His words came out in a stutter as he tried to hide his shame.

"Wh-what? Oh fuck, guys," John B stammered, his voice trembling. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."

JJ interrupted, panic evident in his voice. "Hey, hey, it's okay, John B! Don't worry about it. Pope, come here and help us, please."

Pope rushed over, concern written across his face as he saw the distress in his best friend's eyes. "What's wrong, guys? John B, are you alright?"

John B sniffled and nodded, desperately trying to hold back his tears. He was grateful for the support that his friends were giving him, but he couldn't shake off the humiliation he felt. Pope, with a reassured smile, crouched down beside him.

"Don't worry, John B. We're here for you. Let's get you cleaned up, okay?"

As quietly as possible, Pope and JJ guided John B to an out-of-sight corner of the boat. Hoisting him up with JJ's help, Pope reassured him once again. "It's no big deal, man. Sometimes our bodies just do what they want, even when we don't want them to. It doesn't change anything between us. Remember that we got your back okay buddy."

John B nodded, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over him. His friends' unwavering support gave him strength, and he knew he wasn't alone in this. They helped him get cleaned up, their words full of understanding and encouragement.

Once everything was sorted, John B took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He wiped away the last few tears as he rejoined his friends on the boat. The girls remained unaware of the incident as John B embraced the joyous atmosphere, determined not to let one moment define their night.

"The water is amazing" jj said bombing back in again splashing everyone

Feeling the refreshing water beckoning to them, John B pushed aside his initial embarrassment and dove into the water with his friends. Laughter filled the air as they splashed and played, their bond stronger than ever.

In that moment, John B realized the true meaning of friendship – a group of people who accepted you, flaws and all, and supported you through thick and thin. As the night continued, John B knew that with these friends by his side, there was nothing he couldn't overcome.

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