finding out: marvel

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Peter is trans ftm and the team finds out

Word count: 743

No ones pov:

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It was another sunny morning in New York City, as Peter Parker made his way to Stark Tower. As an intern for Tony Stark, he had access to the astounding technology and knowledge within those sleek walls. However, there was a secret he had been keeping from his new-found family—the Avengers.

In the privacy of his own room, Peter carefully administered his testosterone shot, a vital part of his transition from female to male. Today, however, things didn't go as planned. Tony Stark, ever the curious genius, stumbled upon Peter's stash of testosterone shots purely by accident.

Tony raised an eyebrow, holding up the vial of testosterone in confusion. "What do we have here, Peter? Some kind of new drug?"

Startled, Peter's heart raced, fear coursing through him. He hadn't expected anyone to find out, especially like this. "No, no, Mr. Stark, it's not drugs, I swear," he blurted out, his voice trembling.

Tony's face softened as he studied Peter's anxious expression. He realized his mistake, sensing the desperation in Peter's voice. "Kid, I didn't mean to jump to conclusions. What is it, then? You can trust me."

Peter could no longer keep the walls up that he had so meticulously built. Tears welled up in his eyes as he let out a shaky breath. "I... I'm transgender, Mr. Stark. I was assigned female at birth, but I'm in the process of transitioning to male. Those shot— They're testosterone, hormone replacement therapy."

Realization dawned on Tony's face, his eyes widening with understanding. He walked over to Peter and pulled him into a gentle hug. "Peter, I'm so sorry for assuming the worst. You don't have to explain further if you don't want to. What matters is that I support you, we all do," he whispered tenderly.

Peter's shoulders shook as he finally let himself succumb to the emotions that had burdened him for so long. Tony held him tighter, offering the comfort and stability he desperately needed. The rest of the team, who witnessed the emotional exchange, silently gathered around, their expressions filled with empathy and support.

Bruce Banner stepped forward, offering Peter a handkerchief. "We're your family, Peter. We'll always be here for you, no matter what," he assured him, his voice filled with genuine care.

With a grateful sniffle, Peter dried his tears and managed to smile through the lingering vulnerability. "Thank you, all of you, for understanding."

Steve Rogers, his eyes gleaming with sincerity, spoke up. "You know, Peter, I think it's about time we had a little adventure together. How about a trip to the NASA Space Center? We can all go and have a fantastic time."

Peter's eyes went wide. He felt a thrill of excitement at the thought of exploring the vastness of space with his newfound family. "Really? That sounds incredible!"

And so, plans were set into motion. The Avengers, determined to make it up to Peter, threw themselves wholeheartedly into organizing the trip. Each member was thrilled to witness a side of Peter they hadn't seen before—a child-like wonder that was both adorable and heartwarming.

Finally, the day arrived. Peter found himself standing at the entrance of the NASA Space Center, wearing a NASA T-shirt over his usual black shirt and blue jeans. His eyes sparkled with genuine joy as he held a teddy bear, a souvenir with a matching NASA T-shirt, close to his heart.

"Come on, guys! Let's go explore the wonders of the universe!" Peter shouted, his excitement infectious.

The Avengers laughed and cheered, ready to embark on an unforgettable journey with their beloved friend. As they ventured into the depths of NASA, they not only marveled at the wonders of space but also witnessed the incredible strength and resilience of their youngest member.

Together, they created memories that would forever be etched in their hearts and souls—a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared as a team and as a family, united not only by their extraordinary abilities but by the love and acceptance they offered one another.

And at the center of it all was Peter Parker, a young man who had not only found his place among the Avengers but had also discovered the support and understanding he longed for. With his heart full of gratitude, Peter knew he had found a home amidst the stars.

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