little spence: criminal minds

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Spencer Reid faces a difficult moment on the airplane, but finds comfort and support from his BAU teammates.

Word count: 567

No one's POV:


The BAU team was en route to a remote location for a challenging case. As the hours ticked away on the plane, and the darkness outside prevailed, tension filled the cabin. Unbeknownst to his colleagues, Spencer Reid carried a secret burden. Spencer, a brilliant profiler, was also on the autism spectrum and had a tendency to regress to a childlike state, seeking comfort and safety when overwhelmed.

As restlessness settled in, Spencer found solace in sleep, retreating into dreams that held a semblance of peace. Unfortunately, the tranquility was shattered when Derek Morgan noticed wet stains on Spencer's pants. Concern filled his eyes as he leaned closer, nudging Spencer awake.

"Hey Reid, are you alright?" Derek whispered softly, his voice laced with apprehension.

Spencer opened his eyes and immediately felt his face grow hot with embarrassment at the sight of his pants. He nodded, his voice barely audible. "I...I had an accident. I'm so sorry"

Derek's expression softened with understanding. "It happens, man. No judgment here. Let's get you cleaned up."

He helped Spencer out of his seat, guiding him with a gentle hand on his back towards the bathroom. Spencer's nerves were on edge as he rushed inside, trying to hide his shame. Derek waited patiently outside, offering support without judgment.

After a few moments, Spencer emerged, now clad in fresh clothes. However, he couldn't suppress the repetitive tapping on his thigh, a stimming behavior that often helped him find comfort. Derek approached gently, holding out spare pants and a small teddy bear.

"Hey, buddy. I thought these might help you feel more at ease," Derek said, his voice warm with compassion.

Spencer's eyes widened in surprise, grateful for the support from his friend. He offered a shy smile and accepted the clothes and the teddy bear. "Thank you, Derek. I appreciate it."

As they walked back towards the others, Spencer entered a headspace reminiscent of a younger age. He approached his teammates, a sense of vulnerability in his voice.

"Um, h-hi," Spencer greeted, his words carrying a childlike innocence. "Wh-what were yous talking bout?"

Hotch, reaching out to support his team member, spoke softly. "We were discussing the case, Spencer, but right now, we want to make sure you're okay. Why don't you come sit with me?"

Instantly, Rossi chimed in, offering reassurance. "That's right, kid. We're here for you. We'll talk about anything you want."

JJ's eyes shimmered with compassion as she added, "Absolutely, sweetie. We're your family, and together, we'll get through this."

Feeling the waves of understanding and acceptance, Spencer let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He shuffled over to Hotch, snuggling into his caring embrace.

"Tank yous, yous are da best ," Spencer whispered, his voice filled with gratitude.

Silently, each member of the team shared a knowing glance, pledging their unwavering support for their vulnerable teammate. In that moment, they reaffirmed their bond—a bond built on trust, compassion, and a shared commitment to one another.

As the plane roared through the night sky, their focus shifted, remembering the importance of their unity and the resilience they possessed as a team. With Spencer in their embrace, they knew they were stronger together, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

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