comfort home: criminal minds

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Innocent Reid and again meanie Strauss

Word count: 1216

No one's POV:

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Spencer Reid, the youngest doctor/agent at the BAU, felt a nge of loneliness following Hotch's departure. The Section ef, Erin Strauss, had been making him feel uncomfortable h her constant mocking. It had pushed Spencer to the ik, longing for the presence of someone he could confide Unable to bear the solitude, he sought solace by staying right at the BAU or at Derek Morgan's place.

One evening, as Derek laid in bed after a long day at work, he noticed Spencer's weary and desolate expression. Concerned for his friend's well-being, Derek decided to check upon him.
The sight that greeted him was heart-wrenching. Spencer sat alone, tears streaming down his face, while Erin Strauss barked at him relentlessly.

Derek quickly intervened, placing himself between Spencer and Strauss. "Hey, what's going on here?"

Strauss glared at Derek. "This is none of your business, Morgan. Now, get out of the way."

Derek stood his ground, his voice firm. "Actually, Spencer is my best friend, and it is my business. You have no right to treat him like this."

Spencer's bottom lip trembled as he clung to Derek's words, finding solace in the support. He struggled to speak through his tears. "Derek... I can't... I can't take it anymore.."

Derek's heart ached as he witnessed his friend's pain. Gently, he took Spencer's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I know, kid. But listen, we're a team. We've got your back. You're not alone."

Rossi, who had been observing the scene, joined in. "She's on a power trip, Spencer. Don't let her get to you. We know your value here."

Emily Prentiss chimed in, her voice filled with determination. "Spencer, you're a genius and your autism is nothing to be ashamed of. We're here to support you, no matter what."

JJ stepped forward, her voice filled with compassion. "Spencer you are respected and valued. We won't let her drive you away."

Feeling the weight of their support, Spencer's tears began to subside. "Th-Thank you, guys. You have no idea how much this means this means to me."

Hotch's absence still lingered in the room, and Rossi couldn't help but acknowledge it. "Spencer, we all miss Hotch. He was a father figure to you, and his departure has affected us all. But remember, we're a team. We'll get through this together."

As Spencer clung tighter to Derek, Morgan spoke up, his voice filled with warmth and determination. "Kid, I know it may feel overwhelming right now, but remember, you can lean on us. You're not alone. We'll figure this out."

The room fell into a comforting silence as the team gathered around Spencer, their united presence offering a shield against the harshness of Strauss' words. The bond between them grew stronger as they reaffirmed their support and solidarity.

Derek broke the silence, his voice determined. "Okay, enough of this. It's time we get you out of here, Spencer. You need a break."

Nodding gratefully, Spencer took a deep breath and wiped away his remaining tears. "Thank you, everyone. I don't know what I would do without you."

JJ smiled warmly. "You don't have to find out, Spencer. We're here for you, always."

With their support enveloping him like a warm embrace, Spencer felt a glimmer of hope return. The strength of the team and the love they showed him the courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead

As the team walked out of the BAU, their protective presence surrounded Spencer, offering a blanket of comfort and reassurance.
Derek glanced over at his vulnerable friend, his eyes filled with determination. "Come on, kid. Let's get you out of here and to a place where you can feel safe."

Spencer nodded, still clinging onto Derek's hand, finding solace in his unwavering support. The drive to Derek's home was filled with a comforting silence, the echo of their united voices still ringing in Spencer's ears.

Once the arrived, Derek led Spencer into house, a place that had become a sanctuary for the young genius. As they stepped inside, the warmth and familiarity brought a sense of calm to Spencer's frayed nerves.

Penelope Garcia peered out from her room, her eyes widening as she spotted Spencer's distraught expression. "Oh, my sweet baby genius! What happened?"

Without releasing his grip on Derek, Spencer mustered a small smile. "Just a rough encounter with Strauss."

Garcia's eyes narrowed, her voice filled with indignation "That woman has no heart! I swear, if I could hack into her life and expose her deepest, darkest secrets, I would!"

Spencer's smile grew a little wider at Garcia's fierce loyalty. "Thank you, Penelope. Your support means the world to me."

With a wink, Garcia offered a comforting gesture. "Anytime, sweetie. Now, let's get you settled. Derek take care of our boy."

Derek nodded, leading Spencer up the stairs to his room. Once they were inside, Derek closed the door behind them, creating a sheltered haven away from the chaos of the world. He guided Spencer to to sit on the edge of the bed, Derek still having an arm around Spencer's

"You're safe now, Spencer," Derek whispered as soft as a lullaby. "No one can hurt you here."

Spencer's eyes met Derek's gaze, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability shining through. "I don't know what I would do without you, Derek. You always manage to make me feel safe."

Derek's thumb gently caressed Spencer's hand, his voice filled with sincerity. "Hey, you don't have to thank me. We're family. You're my little brother, and I'll always be here for you."

Tears welled up in Spencer's eyes, but this time, they were tears of relief. "I'm so scared, Derek. Scared of being alone, scared of facing the world without someone who believes in me."

Derek pulled Spencer into a comforting embrace, his arms wrapping around the young genius. "Spencer, you have all of us. The team, Garcia, Rossi, Emily, JJ-we all believe in you. And I'm not going anywhere. I promise."

Feeling the strength or Derek's embrace, Spencer found the courage to let his guard down, to allow himself to fully lean on his friend. The weight of Strauss' cruelty and his own insecurities seemed to lift as he clung tightly onto Derek, finding solace in their bond.

They stayed like that for some time, wrapped in a cocoon of safety. Eventually, exhaustion began to weigh heavily on Spencer's eyelids, causing them to droop. Derek brushed a tender hand over Spencer's hair, his voice a gentle murmur. "It's time to rest, Spence. I'll be right here, watching over you."

Spencer nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, Derek... for always being my comfort home."

Derek pressed a kiss to the top of Spencer's head, his voice filled with love and protectiveness. "Always, little brother. Sweet dreams."

As Spencer drifted off to sleep, the tension in his body eased and his breathing grew steady. Derek sat by his side, a silent sentinel, ready to ward off any nightmares that might dare disturb the precious slumber of his friend.

In the peaceful darkness of Derek's room, surrounded by love and protection, Spencer found solace and rest-a respite from the battles he faced each day.

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