𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 34. just a matter of time

Start from the beginning

"A girl... Fucking hell."

"Despite the shock, I gave an accurate description. The weight, height, posture... It was all of a woman. Even if she was dressed like a man tho."

Nana ran a hand through her hair and frowned. What she was thinking was obvious, but she hoped she was wrong, even if it questioned all their theories and police investigations.

"Heeseung, let's go."

Her cold voice roused him from his bubble and he stood up, returning his attention to Ji-eun, who had completely gotten out of bed. She was now just as frightened as they were.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh... You have no idea."
The protagonist had whispered.

"Don't worry, it's just... Very surprising. We'll be back to see you very soon, I promise."

"All right. Well... Thanks for—"

Without even finishing her sentence, Nana opened the door and suddenly stepped out. Her friend soon followed, smiling apologetically.

The door slammed shut and Ji-eun found herself alone again, embarrassed and with a head full of questions.

The red girl didn't say a word on the way. It was only in front of the school building that she began to complain.

"We have to tell Sunghoon about this shit."

This was definitely the first time he'd been so afraid of her; he was much more frightened than when she'd threatened him with sharp scissors. He didn't even dare contradict or reassure her.

Morning classes had just finished and the students were all on their lunch break. It was the perfect time to visit the ghost and talk things over.

The friends entered the school and it was then that Heeseung overlooked a small detail. In the hall, there was a large banner joining the two ends of the entrance.

It read as follows: "Two comrades have gone to visit Ji-eun, let's send her lots of love and strength."

Nana turned slowly to the boy, who was content to observe his own stupidity.

"Was this your idea to let the killer know we'd gone to see Ji-eun?"
He nodded.

It was to show the killer that their victims were indirectly allying themselves. However, with the many uncertainties, it was perhaps unnecessary, if not risky.

She rolled her eyes and stepped further into the corridor. After all, if the hospital visit had gone as planned and without any unpleasant surprises, she'd be congratulating him.

The protagonist had awkwardly opened the gymnasium door before almost running inside. She already knew exactly what she was going to explain to her boyfriend, but...

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