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☆15. 赤 (aka — red)
[ACT. 2]

« Soon, there will be blood everywhere »






     THE MORNING WAS OVER, it was lunchtime and classes would soon resume but the heroine decided to stay at the gymnasium with Sunghoon until the end of the day, despite her fatigue.

She had been dozing on the bleachers for some minutes, but hadn't fallen completely asleep because of the uncomfortable benches. The skater was right next to her, reading Rachel's book for a while now.

     "I don't understand anything!"
He had abruptly closed it and then thrown it on the floor, causing Nana to tremble and slowly straighten up. "Oh, sorry."

She grumbled, then lay down again. The boy winced and leaned over her, looking down at her with pain.

The teen was so exhausted that she no longer had the strength or even the will to get angry.

Shyly, he removed a few locks of her hair that seemed to be bothering her. Suddenly, Nana woke up, almost touching the ghost's fingers, and he immediately stepped back.

She had shouted while touching her hair.

The protagonist couldn't help blushing as she noticed how close he was. Despite the fact that she had far more important things to worry about, she kept thinking about Jake's words.

She still doubted the authenticity of this revelation, but the fact that Sunghoon had a crush on her never left her thoughts.

It was embarrassing, but she realized that their link wasn't just medical, it was much more than that. Even before his death, they'd been linked.

     "Your hair are dead, stop bleaching it." He tried to hide his embarrassment.

     "You're the one who's dead right now. And look at you, you've got blonde hair."

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