𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 05. "haunted"

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☆05. "haunted"
[ACT. 1]

♪ crystal castles - vanished






     EVERYONE CHUCKLED AS NI-KI stood up and glared at Nana, who swallowed instantly. His face was filled with rice and tomato sauce. He was as angry as he was confused.

For all the people gathered around them, the situation was funny, but they hadn't asked themselves how the poor boy could have ended up in this shameful context.

Except Rachel.

     "Did you do that?"
She questioned her.

The black-haired girl opened her mouth, disturbed by events. She ignored her classmate and scurried out of the cafeteria. Rachel quickly followed and intercepted her in the school hall.

     "Wait... He couldn't have fallen on his own and I didn't see anyone pushing him, or even throwing food."

Nana wasn't really lucid anymore and hesitated between laughing or crying.

If what had just happened couldn't be explained rationally, then there was no point in thinking any further... Only something supernatural was possible.

She sighed and closed her eyes for a few seconds. She didn't know why Sunghoon had done it, but directly exposing him was out of the question, even if Rachel, a paranormal fan, was the best person to understand her.

     "Now you know why I came to ask you about your club."
Then she turned away, leaving doubt hanging in the air.

     "What do you mean by that?"

     "I'd have told you more if you'd wanted to help me, but..."
The teen wanted to leave one more time, but Rachel caught up with her.

     "Was it a spirit? Something like that?"

The heroine remained silent and passive, which annoyed Ni-ki's cousin who was in search of answers. She was on the verge of bursting with curiosity, so she gave up.

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