𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 18. alive, again

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☆18. alive, again
[ACT. 2]

« You should never play with the unknown. »






THE SCISSORS WERE VERY SHARP, which surprised Sunghoon, who had already settled down in the middle of the salt circle. The girl sat down opposite him and rolled up her sleeve.

He called her out, "Be careful,
don't do any serious injuries."

Her hands began to shake with fear.

     "There's no specifics about the amount of blood. Let's do a few drops for now, nothing more."

Nana nodded and picked up the book again; the ritual would have her recite a sentence before wounding herself. It was so twisted and frightening that she almost wanted to give up.

What if it didn't work? Deep down, she didn't want it to work. The two individuals were heading straight into the unknown, into the heart of the occultism.

Whether people believe in it or not... Nobody likes to play with black magic.

What happens when ignorant people play with something they don't control? Something beyond science and logic.

     "Your hands."
She ordered nervously as the boy complied. "I begin the ritual."

The heroine sighed heavily as she memorized the sentence she had to recite 3 times without making a mistake, pronouncing it correctly or the ritual would be cancelled.

Next, she will have to pour a dose of blood of her choice and apply salt to her wound.

The salt is supposed to protect the user from something bad, such as an evil spirit trying to escape through the invocation.

In a flash, the protagonist sighed one last time, cleared her mind and began the invocation.

    "Redi inter nos."
She had said the first sentence, with a hesitant voice.

 ˹ GHOST&CREEP ˼ Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt