The mission in Medasco(chapter 2- part3)

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Natras entered the city, and the situation was not normal. He glanced at the walls and saw a royal proclamation. Apparently, they needed individuals to freely compete for the overall command of the army. The place of membership and participation in this event was specified, but today seemed to be the last deadline for participation. He immediately headed towards the assembly for registration and was accepted. However, this event was the main cause of the unusual condition of the city; they had no information about any major attack on the city.

 This event usually occurred once every 15 years to select several commanders from among ordinary people, warriors, and courtiers. In the end, the overall command of the army went to the first, the command of the palace guards to the second, and the command of the city's law enforcement forces to the third. Natras was searching for any signs of invaders in this land, but he couldn't find any trace of the attackers. The first day of this event began, and he was supposed to reach the top by defeating eight contenders. Natras used all his strength to eliminate all competitors and succeeded. After a few days of holding this event, only four contestants remained. He managed to win the semi-final with some difficulty, and now it was time for the final stage. Before the event began, the king's advisor announced that the use of magic was allowed to make the event more exciting. Natras, shocked, was always thinking about how to win this battle since he couldn't perform any magic. With little time left until the start of the final stage, an old woman approached Natras and said, "I come on behalf of the Scorpion Goddess. Take this bracelet and use it to protect yourself from any magical attacks and enchantments."Natras entered the field, and his opponent also entered.

 It seemed that Koushar had prepared himself for this section in advance, possibly in coordination with the advisor. Initially, the battle was hand-to-hand, but his opponent could not endure much, and he suffered defeat in the first few minutes. In the second round, his opponent, using magic, crushed and overwhelmed Natras, who faced a tough defeat. Apparently, the bracelet protected Natras only against certain magics, not all of them. Now it was the final stage, and Natras could not accept defeat at any cost. It was either victory or death. Two rivals entered the field, and a fierce battle ensued. Both tried to knock the other down. After a while, both fell to the ground, and the result of the battle was declared a draw. However, Koushar, the commander of the army, and Natras, the commander of the palace guards, were appointed. It seemed that the one who benefited most from this was the advisor. Although Natras did not seem happy, he did not waste time and began searching for clues from his two initial missions. But why wasn't the king present on his throne? After a while, the young warrior realized that the traitor was none other than the king's advisor. By creating a massive army of soldiers outside the city, he intended to attack the castle.

 But now, accusing the advisor was not possible. After learning about the advisor's plan, Natras initially wanted to ally with Koushar and then attack the advisor with the army. However, Koushar might also be colluding with the advisor. But the truth of the matter was something else; Koushar, too, wanted to become the ruler by imprisoning and killing the king. He was a coward commander. Natras was between a Two ways were stuck, but he soon concluded that if he collaborated with the advisor, no one would doubt him. If he allied with Koushar, there was a chance that he would betray Natras and reveal everything. So, it was necessary to inform the advisor in a way that would provoke him.

Later, Natras convinced the advisor in such a way that he was incited. Although the advisor resisted, he issued an order for Koushar's murder due to treason against the king. When Koushar learned of this before being arrested, he attempted to escape. In the meantime, Koushar fell into the hands of Natras's forces. Natras told Koushar that he would allow him to escape on the condition that he would reveal the location of the king's imprisonment, I want to personally take him to the advisor."After obtaining the information, Koushar was released. He immediately led his forces to the prison, freed the king, and directly brought him before the advisor. But the young warrior had a plan; the advisor, who was wary of Natras, immediately ordered to imprison the king in the castle dungeon. Seeing Natras's loyalty, he appointed him as the commander of the army. Natras could not issue the attack order directly, so he requested the adviser to take the army out of the city to prepare for the exercise, and he immediately accepted. Now it was the time of punishment, Natras with the army under his command besieged the place of the mercenary army and destroyed most of them in the battle, but only a few managed to escape.

Now was the time for punishment. Natras, with his army under his command, surrounded the mercenary forces' camp. He destroyed most of them in battle, but a few managed to escape. The advisor, unaware of everything as he schemed for his kingship, saw Natras entering the palace. Surprised, the advisor said, "What happened? Weren't you supposed to spend several weeks in army exercises?" The young warrior replied, "Our work finished early." He then ordered them to bring the king, and upon hearing this, the advisor issued an arrest order for Natras. Some palace guards and army commanders loyal to the king and Natras intervened, arresting the advisor. The advisor shouted, "Anyone who collaborates with this traitor will soon be punished. My mighty army will conquer the castle tomorrow morning."The king entered the hall, and Natras showed respect. Addressing the advisor, the Natras said, "Your mighty army was disbanded under my command this morning." Having heard the whole story from Natras, the king removed the advisor and appointed Natras to a higher position as the Grand Advisor. Due to treason to the throne, the advisor was exiled to a remote location. Now the last remaining mission was ahead.

Natras went to the village the Scorpion Goddess had mentioned and sought the village chief, He took the sorcerer's address from him. Finally he was able to find the village sorcerer. Natras inquired about the Scorpion Goddess's story, and the sorcerer continued, "The king put his daughter's suitors through a challenging trial with multiple stages to test them. My son was one of the suitors, successfully passing several stages. However, because his daughter was interested in someone else, he did not adhere to his promise. After that, my son joined the Red Veil Society, and he never returned to me. Before going, he informed me of his decision, but I couldn't dissuade him. Now, I have lost him, and after this incident, I decided to enchant the princess. Even if you manage to bring back my son, he won't dissuade from him decision."

Natras suddenly remembered the magical bracelet he had and offered it to the sorcerer. After some contemplation, the sorcerer accepted. The enchantment was nullified, and the sorcerer said, "This was the first part of the enchantment; the second part is in the hands of a powerful witch from the Red Veil Society. I obtained the enchantment from her." Natras requested a duel with the witch to break the enchantment, and she responded, " If I am defeated, I will nullify the enchantment. But if you lose, you will remain here forever." It became clear why the sorcerer's son had not returned home.Natras prepared for the duel, knowing that the witch was much stronger. He truly had no ability to contend with the sorcery of the witch. With the Witch first strike, Natras fell several meters away to the ground. He got up from his place, and the sorcerer of the village stood in front of him. he handed him the magical bracelet along with a magical mace and wished him success. The young warrior, now entering the battlefield with renewed strength, tried hard to outmaneuver the witch, but like before, against him magic did not yield. Finally, the exhausted and wounded witch fell to the ground, accepting defeat. Natras reminded her that now she had to fulfill her promise. However, the witch, who truly pursued different goals, refused to nullify the enchantment. She ordered her servants to attack Natras. With the throw of a magical mace towards the witch, the young warrior completed his task, and she turned into ashes. Seeing this, her servants retreated from the battlefield. The village sorcerer expressed regret for her actions, and with her son, who had been freed from the witch's spell, they returned to their village.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 03 ⏰

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