
16 1 0

November 2
6:25 pm
Zayla's POV

"The music keeps playing and your heart start jumping and your head keeps spinning cause the bass keeps turning up its 5 AM and you've just reached your all time high...welcome to the party" I sang along to PND's Welcome to the Party as I made my way to my parents' house.

I'd just left work about ten minutes ago, so I decided to go see them instead of putting it off. After about thirty minutes of driving, I pulled up to their house. It looked as if they'd made renovations which wasn't anything new for them, they loved upgrading their home.

I got out of my car and made my way up their driveway until I reached the front door. I knocked and stood there waiting for them to answer. "Zayla, what a pleasant surprise it is to see you," my dad said as he opened the door. "Hi dad, what a surprise it is to see you too," I said back. Although I talked to neither of my parents often, my dad was the one I heard from the least. He was the type of parent that believed that the child should reach out to their parent every time, as if the phone didn't work both ways.

"Make sure you take your shoes off, you know how your mother get," He moved out of the way letting me in the house, the inside looked so different. They'd gotten new floors, furniture, and even got an electric fireplace.

"Dang why didn't anybody tell me y'all were renovating," I asked as I took my shoes off and straightened them up by the door.

"Well if you call your parents sometimes you would have known," my dad responded back. I loved my dad, but he was so annoying to me at times all because of his mindset and attitude.

"Okay dad, where's mom," I asked not wanting to have that conversation. "She's upstairs in the room " he said as he went to sit down on the couch to finish watching whatever it was that he was watching on television.

I walked up the stairs and straight to my parents' room. "Mom," I said as I knocked on the shut bedroom door. "Come in Zayla," she said in a slightly yelling tone.

"Hey mom," I said as I opened the door and walked in. She was sitting on the couch that sat at the end of her and my dad's bed reading a book.

"Hey Zayla, I'm glad you were able to stop by. Come sit down," she patted the spot next to her.

I walked over and sat next to her. "Yeah, I thought about what you said and decided to come by today," I said.

"Well I sure am glad that you didn't let it go in one ear and out of the other," she responded. "Yeah mom, so what have you and dad been up to, I see y'all renovated again."

"We've been working, and yeah we decided we wanted to upgrade some more things, did you see the new Island we had put in the kitchen," she asked.

"No I didn't go into the kitchen yet," I honestly expected her to say working because they both loved what they did. My dad was a CFO for a corporate company I always forgot the name of and my mom was a nurse.

"Well before you leave I have to show you everything that's new, but how have you been, how's life been treating you?"

"I've been okay, life has been pretty kind to me I guess. I can't really complain I'm just glad to be alive and well," I was honestly grateful to be able to say that because a year ago from now I was super depressed and done with life.

"I'm so relieved to hear that, I'm sorry I haven't been calling and checking up on you like I should, but you know works keeps me busy," work has been their excuse for being absent my whole life.

"It's fine mom, I'm just glad we're able to be here right now," we never spent much quality with each other so this was better than nothing. "It's not fine, we have not been the parents to you that you deserve, I really am sorry," she looked as if she was about to cry.

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