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October 29
8:00 pm
Zayla's POV

"Zayla please, you know I'm not going by myself," Dyah was begging me to go to Caleb's Halloween party with her. I hated parties because here in Atlanta they all ended the same, somebody getting mad and deciding to I guess just shoot and kill anybody they can.

"You're not going by yourself though, it's Caleb's party he'll be there, what the hell," I laughed. "Okay but you know what I mean, he's going to be there but I don't know any of those people that's going to be there with him. Please just come, lunch on me for the next two days," she smiled as she tried bribing me.

"Dy I don't even have a costume, so there's no way I'm going," I haven't celebrated Halloween since the last time we took Dasia together which was about four years ago. "Yes you do I bought you one," she walked out of my room and came back with a big filled with clothes, which I'm assuming was the costumes.

"See look, you can choose which ever one you want," she pulled the costumes out of the bag. "Okay so what is it supposed to be," I asked.

"They're angel costumes, I just left the wings and halos on the couch," she said walking back out of the room to grab them.

"You just knew I was going to say yes, huh," I really had no plans of going out tonight but I didn't want her out with a bunch of people she didn't know.

"If I'm being honest, I did," she was so happy. "Which color you want, black or white," she held up two corsets.

"White," I grabbed the costume from her. "What time is the party," I needed to know how long I had to get ready.

"It starts at 10, and can you fix my wig, I want the style I showed you the other day," she was referring to the half up and half down with a swoop hairstyle. "Okay come on," I got up from the bed and we started to get ready.

9:55 pm

"Okay how I look," I stood in front of Dyah doing a spin. I had just finished finished my hair, after deciding to do a side part and curl my hair, hoping the curls wouldn't fall.

"You look so good, oh my gosh we both look good let's take some pictures," we went into the bathroom and took photos. After finishing everything we grabbed our things and left the house. The party was at least twenty minutes away.

We pulled up to this big house, which I'm assuming was an airbnb. It was people everywhere "damn this mothefucker packed," we said at the same time, which made us look at each other laughing.

We parked on the street so that we wouldn't be blocked in and got out of the car. We straightened ourselves up before walking up the long driveway into the house. What Happened to Virgil by Lil Durk blasted loudly on the speakers.

"Come on bitch there go Caleb," Dyah said loudly before pulling me towards Caleb and a few other guys, I assumed was his friends.

"What's up ma," he pulled Dyah into a short hug. "Hey, look who I brought with me," she looked back at me grinning as if he wanted her to bring me. "Well if it isn't little miss homebody, what's up Zay," he said walking over to me hugging me. "Hey Caleb," I chuckled. The music was so loud we were all basically yelling right now. "These my homeboys, Chris, Jojo, and Twan," he introduced us. I just gave them a small wave I wasn't trying to get into all of that tonight, I could see his friend Jojo eyeing me.

"Come on let's take some shots," Dyah handed me a shot she'd just poured. We threw them back like they were nothing and took two more. Those shots had definitely loosened us up because we were in the crowd with all these people shaking ass and rapping to F.N.F by Glorilla.

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