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November 1
12:30 pm
Zayla's POV

"Bitch I blame you and Jojo, he's been avoiding me ever since," it was my lunch break and Dyah and I were on the phone. I was venting to her about Malik, he's barely texted me since that Halloween party.

"Why you blaming me, you're the one who said you wasn't going to talk to that man and still did anyway," she responded. "Girl, if you hadn't told Caleb you would put me and him on I wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place," which was true, I don't know why she volunteered me to talk to him.

"I guess I'll take the blame, but niggas never stay mad for long he'll get over it. It's not like y'all together," she was right we weren't together, but his feeling were still valid. "You're right, but I did kind of get mad at him for no reason like a week or two ago because he wasn't texting me back. I'm not gonna lie I thought he was with one of his little hoes," I said.

"Okay but how do you know he wasn't with one of them," she was definitely asking the right question. "Well bitch I don't know, he just said he was busy at his parents house and then went to chill with his homeboys," I don't think he was lying, but I don't know. I don't want to be out here doing me and he's really not out here doing him.

"Right, but how will you ever know. If he got other hoes he's not about to tell you that."

"I mean maybe he would, he's always straightforward about everything else, so why lie now," I said. "Okay well bitch you got a point, but I'm sorry I have to go we're having a staff meeting in like five minutes. But if you really feel like he's that mad call him and see what's up," she said.

"Okay thanks for listening and the advice, I love you."

"Anytime, and I love you more stinky, talk to you later, mwah," she made a kissing noise before hanging up, leaving me deep in my thoughts. I didn't know what to do because I wasn't going to beg Malik to talk to me, but I missed him.

I know we're not together, but if the tables were turned I would probably be acting like him only because I hate when niggas lead me on or pursue me just to play in my face. I think he just got the wrong impression at that party because I had no plans of playing with him, I know I gave Jojo my number, but I didn't plan on taking the conversation any further. He texted me a day or two after the party but I stopped replying. He wasn't an ugly guy, he just wasn't my type and I could tell from jump all he wanted to do was get in between my legs.

Putting my pride aside I scrolled through my contacts until I found Malik's and clicked on it, it rung at least five times and just as I was about to hang up he answered.

"What's up, Zayla," he answered, with an irritated tone. "Damn, am I bothering you," if he didn't want me bothering him, that's all he had to say and I would leave him alone.

"Yeah, I'm working right now, hit me up later."

"Alright Malik," I said hanging up, begging wasn't something I was about to do. He wanted me to leave him alone, so that's what I was about to do.

I looked at the time as I was sitting in my car and my lunch break was almost over so I decided to head back inside.

I had a few more patients to take care of  before I got off, which was at 3:45 today. Once all of my patients was seen I headed to my favorite hibachi restaurant to get takeout.

On my way home I ended up stopping at Walmart to pick up some more food for Autumn and Olive. While I was in the store an old man said the nicest thing to me I'd heard in a while, it really cheered me up. He was struggling to get his groceries into his car, so I decided to help him. I wanted to brighten up someone else's day since mine wasn't going so well.

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