"It's good to see you too sir," Bellam smiled and shook. Pikes hand.

"Okay, move the tree," Kane said.

Pike nodded and told his people to help him.

Jaycee saw Monty leave his mom to help out, so Jaycee walked up to him, worried for her friend, "Hey, you, okay?" Jaycee asked, it's not easy losing a parent. She should know.

"I have to be," Monty said as he slightly smiled.

As the people were moving the tree, Kane had to ask. "63? Farm station left orbit with three times that number."

Pike sighed sadly. "We landed with that number too,"

"The Ice Nation can be ruthless. Take pride in the number you saved." Indra told the man.

"Indra, this is Charles Pike. He was a teacher on the Ark. This is Indra. She's leader of the Trikru and a trusted ally," Kane told him so he didn't have to worry about her.

"I'll have to take your word for it," Pike spoke, with a slight disgusted way. Not showing it of course.

"Kane, it's time to go," Jaycee said.

"Monty, give them the coordinates to Arkadia. We have a settlement fifty miles south of here. Your people will be safe there,"

"You're my people," Pike told him.

Jaycee was getting annoyed, she just wanted to find Clarke then go home.

"Good. Because we have reports that put Clarke north of here. We could certainly use your expertise." Kane said.

Jaycee rolled her eyes, "Kane, I'm going to leave to find Clarke whether it's with or without you," Pike looked at the girl, he didn't seem to recognize her.

"Got yourself someone who can't seem to wait Kane" Jaycee looked at Pike, not smiling, not giving any reaction. "You looked familiar..." Pike said squinting his eyes, as if that it was going to help him remember her.

Jaycee just rolled her eyes. "You're Jasper Jordans sister, you guys have the same facial features, I never forget a moment on the Ark, you were the top talk when you got arrested," Pike smirked. Bellamy looked at him, annoyed that he brought up her arrest, but he stayed quiet.

"Yeah? You seem familiar too..." Jaycee was playing into his games, she didn't care what he thought of her, "You know what, I remember, aren't you the teacher who beat the absolute shit out of one of your own students?" Jaycee smirked. Monty slightly smiled because he was in fact there that day.

Pike just looked at her annoyed, people may start shit with Jaycee, but they should know that she does intend to finish it, no matter what. Kane looked at the two, before things could get any worse, he spoke out. "Okay, lets head out,"


They all ended going to a trade store, the door opened on someone beating up a grounder. She's putting up a good fight. but he clearly had the jump on her and also has quite the strength advantage.

"Ai get in daun Azgeda scum don kom op bakon kos em.  Weron laik Wanheda? weron laik Wanheda? i'm jos ask nodotaim noumou, en den yu drop yu meika of.  Weron ai-" (I know that Ice Nation scum came back for her. Where is Wanhda? Where is Wanheda? I'm only asking once more, and then you lose a hand. Where I-)

Before he could finish, Bellamy shoots him. Bellamy Kane, Monty, Jaycee, and Hannah look around aimlessly while Indra looks around with a bit more purpose.

"Are you okay? Are you alright?" Bellamy asked the woman.

Indra looked at the grounder Bellamy shot, she looked at Kane, "Bounty hunter," She then looked at Niylah, "Oso ste hir gon sis au" (We're here to help)

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