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📍Kingston, St

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📍Kingston, St. Andrew | Chancery Hall

A Few Days Later | Monday, September 12th

1 PM

"Robyn me literally cyaa believe me aguh be an aunty bredda" Raven squeals, rubbing her hands on my stomach.

She's been on cloud nine since she received the news.

Even though there was nothing really to tell.

"When unuh aguh figure out di gender?" she asks, pulling the covers over her body.

We were currently lying down in my old room in our parent's house, catching up on all major and minor events that have taken place in our lives over the past few months.

She lived in St. Andrew and it was often hard for us to get together with our busy schedules.

"Dem seh around eighteen to twenty weeks," I tell her, laying my head on her shoulder.

I was careful not to make much eye contact with her, something I'd been doing all day.

"But sometimes it can be as early as twelve weeks"

I felt horrible about lying to Raven.

While my relationship with my mother was strained, my younger sister and I were very close, no matter how hard my mother tried to drive a rife between us.

Raven has always been my confidant, my biggest cheerleader and supporter.

Born to be sisters, destined to be best friends.

"Me excited fi unuh eesi Robyn, you're going to be a great mommy" she gushes, laying her head on top of mine.

I had contemplated letting her in on my plan, but Celine thought it best to keep it between just me and her, she was afraid that too many knowing ears would ruin our ploy.

So now me juss deh yah and a lie to everybody.

"Yuh really think so?" I question, referring to her previous statement.

This whole thing has made me more introspective as of late, especially in regards to my future with Cyrus and the possibility of the children who would have together when the time came.

Even though he won't be given the chance this time around, I knew that Cyrus would make a great father, he had a great role model on how to be one with his father.

But he was just also the kind of man who would be fully involved with his kids, wanting to be a part of their lives wholeheartedly.

It was me who I was unsure of.

My mother was the epitome of the dangers of motherhood.

She was far from a role model.

"Of course, me think so, wah kinda question dat Robbie?" Raven retorts, and I can tell her brows are screwed together.

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