Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9:

I slowly and awkwardly lifted my head up trying to stay as quiet as possible to see if I could see anything. I was afraid to get up, because we all know I'm huge klutz. Which really sucks at a time like this. Well, anytime really. I glared at my stupid feet.

Why are you so awkward?

I thought to my feet mentally. They could hear me right? Why wouldn't they, they are attached to my body. I was so distracted with the rant in my head about my feet being able to hear my thoughts, that I had no idea that an sun light that had been shining is not shinny anymore.

Maybe, there's a huge monster standing over you. I wish my mind would just shut up. It makes me sick at times.

I was too afraid so I sat there for a minute until I worked up the guts to look up. And let me tell you what I saw would be with me every night that I sleep. I looked up to a big black spot with golden eyes. I didn't scream, because I was speechless. And half of my mind was like what the fuck is this thing. The other half was stupid and curious. I was stock still and completely shocked. Was it a bear or a fox or maybe both? Maybe it a was a lion. Nope, I ruled that out, because it would have been ate me. 

I could move and my mouth wouldn't move. Shouldn't I be running home to mama. I know how this works though. I read it so many times on Wattpad. There's this big wolf whose my mate and probably Marcus and I want be scared, and I'll probably pet his coat or some shit. Pshh... Yeah right. We all  know that I wan't pet this big animal. And, I highly doubt Marcus is an animal. Then I realized that I read too much and my mind needs to shut the fuck up before I get eat. My crushed my eyebrows together my first move. The big bear just sat there looking at me curiously. 

I slowly started scooting back from the bear and got up so fast that I hit my self in the face with my hand. Don't ask. I let out a shake breath. "Stay there." I said so softly that it only came out as a breath. I slowly back away like I was doing the Micheal Jackson and turned around with a 'Aww!' in the spur of the moment. I grinned to myself and ran as fast as I could.

"And I'm free..." I started with Free Falling John Mayer's cover, but was instantly stopped when the black 'bear' jumped in my face. I wanted to glare at it, but it would eat me. I took a deep breath and back away. It followed. I decided the best option was to let out my best scream and so I did that. "HELP ME!" The scream was pretty loud and pretty high pitched. I didn't even know that could come out of me. I think I was more shocked more than the bear. Nevertheless, while he was occupied with whining I dodged to the side and ran as fast as my stupid, clumsy feet could take me. 

I busted through the trees breathing really hard. I didn't stop running until I was safely in the house with all the locks locked. I slid down the door slowly and put my head through my legs and breathed slow and deep breathes to calm down. I heard footsteps come towards me, but i didn't look. I hadn't realized I was crying until comforting arms wrapped around me.

"Are you okay?" My dad asked.

I shook my head as my shoulder shook.


I shook my head.

"I saw a-" 

I was cut off by a hold bunch of crashing and panting. "Alex! You hear? Are you okay? PLEASE BE OKAY." I heard a few voices boomed.

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